Show ARMISTICE ALREADY IN MANCHURIA portsmouth N H aug 14 it seems to be taken for granted among the attaches of both the japanese and russian missions that there ivall be no general battle in manchuria while tho peace negotiations are on oyama is prepared to strike the moment the negotiations fall and there may be more or less outpost engagements while the troops are getting in position but it is admitted on each side if either oyama or linevitch should deliberately bring on a general engagement ga which might cost to lives his country would be accused of bad faith in the negotiations here and would inevitably lose prestige in tho eyes of the world in the larger sense therefore it can be said that an already exists in manchuria should the negotiations be vainly prolonged and it became evident that they were to be fruitless the advance of oyama or linevitch might bo a tor the final rupture the unexpected attach on port arthur might bo repeated below harbin ACCIDENT TO COLLIER washington aug 14 A report to tha department from tho commandant of the navy yard at ports u bui N H on the recent accident to the collier lebanon says that vestel was damaged while a teat was being made with air pressure the commandant estimated that six deew would be required to repair the damage the lebanon was being fitted up for destroying derelicts MEETS DEATH FROM GUN SHOT portland ore aug 14 information reached here today from trout lake washington that herbert witten of st johns a suburb of portland yesterday met bis death as aba of a gun shot wound eltten in company with two companions were in a boat on the lake witten saw something to shoot at and in drawing his gun to him the muzzle first discharged the contents into his stomach making a frightful wound |