Show the trans mississippi congress divided over question portland ore aug 16 the welcoming addresses to the trans congress which assembled in portland today developed the fact that there Is not altogether harmony on the subject of chinese restriction laws it became apparent during the address of gov geo E chamberlain that the sentiment of washington and oregon Is in favor of a strict application of the restriction laws as opposed to tha more liberal application favored by the california representatives and delegates from the middle west the first session of the congress was attended by representative men from all parts of the west following the call to order by rufus P jennings of san francisco chairman of the executive committee divine invocation was delivered by rev J W brougher of portland chairman jennings introduced theodore B wilcox of portland pres ident of the congress who delivered his opening address welcoming tho congress mr allcox sketched the growth of trade with the orient n flour cotton lumber and other american products taking up the pending boycott of i american goods in china he said in part the situation must be met and satisfied without delay the president of the united states has undertaken to secure proper treatment at our entry ports tor the privileged classes of china but ao long as this has been delayed so flagrant have been our offenses that it is doubtful it this will now to restore our proper trade relations li may suffice with the chinese government but will it satisfy the chinese merchant will it destroy the weapon we have given our competitors it remove the boycott against american goods J am not willing to offer any suggestion or knowingly join in any plan which will prove a menace to the best interests of true and honest labor but the dignity and prosperity of the american farmer the american cotton grower and the american manufacturer fac must not be sacrificed or jeopardized in the solution of the difficulties that confront us it it shall be necessary in the negotiation of a new treaty with china to satisfy the chinese government or chinese merchants and the boycott in order to protect american trade that we consent to the admission of a limited number of chinese coolies I 1 shall favor such action to such extent as chinese coolies can be employed within our doman without serious detriment to our american laborers I 1 believe that a small number sufficient to cover our own necessities could be assimilated and absorbed in the interest that requires that kind of labor and would 0 be of great benefit in the growth and development of the western country I 1 am confident moreover that white labor that commands good wages would not bo injured or disturbed in any way by such a course it seems to mo that the solution of this question lies in a division of our immigration laws the most pressing problem before the american nation today Is not chinese exclusion but the exclusion of the undesirable class of avery nation and every clime from tho i united stales in tho future 1 I believe that wo should not only call upon tho president to appoint an immigration commission to investigate and report to congress with recommendations tor a signa OF portsmouth august lo 10 rit r is known that the japanese aries sent to day to washington for parchment paper such as Is used in the of treaties this Is as alg baucant Blu cant PARIS optimistic 1 paris august 1 well informed circles here display optimism relative to the outcome bf tho peace conference anal general satisfaction is Is expressed with the progress already made sivo law 11 stringent and studied to cover every desiraBle person from every country bufa we should sea tolt that congress representing thirty millions of american citizens alvo their time and efforts to the accomplishment of something at should have been done acore of years ago and cannot now be dono too soon JAPS ANXIOUS TO FIGHT but they cilibe to accomplish much this year london august 16 the times correspondent with general linevitch sends tho following dispatch djs patch dated august 12 by way of fusan the japanese army is anxious to commence operations do not believe that tha military progress has been sufficient the expectations that buksta will concede tho terms necessarily required kiy japan if the war continues the nature of the country and of conditions points to the likelihood that future operations will be restricted to the neighborhood of the railway wide turning movements as suggested by the european press are noy likely to be features of the campaign nor Is it possible that any great military results will ensue this year STARVING PEOPLE cadiz august 16 the famine which commenced lasic march has now reached the point op actual starvation throughout the fertile valley of andalusia the workmen are unable to secure food they arc too weak to work and are becoming desperate the children are living on fir cones and the fruit of the wild cactus ACCEPT CHINESE invitation manila aug 16 the governor general of hong kong has invited secretary of war tatt and the members of his party to attend a banquet there the members olathe party have an evered that they will stop one day at hong kong and ono night at canton miss alice roosevelt is undecided as to whether she will visit peking and it Is believed is awaiting her fathers answer to the invitation extended her to visit that place NEW filtration PLANTS washington aug 15 two beds of the new filtration plant with a capacity each of three million gallons of pure water were opened today the water from them however will not be available for public use |