Show A time when women are susceptible to many dread diseases intelligent women prepare preparo for it two relate their experience the change of life is the moat critical period of a comans womans existence and the anxiety felt by women as it draws near is not without reabon ayery woman who neglects the caro of her health at this tiros invites disease and pain when her system ia la a deranged condition or she is predisposed to apoplexy or congestion of any organ aba tendency is at this period likely to become active an d with a boat of ner boua voua irritations make life a burden at this time also cancers and tumors are more liable to form and begin their destructive work such warning lymp toma as sense of suffocation hot flashes headaches backaches dread of impending evil timidity sounds in the ears palpitation of the heart epa before the eyes irregularities constipation variable appetite weakness and inquietude and dizziness are promptly heeded by in tell igent women who are approaching the period in life when comans womans great change 1 I wrote yen tw and commenced bo expected treatment with lydia E ag may teate I 1 a these symptoms are all lust so many for help Th ente are crying out for and the the change changa ot of life a well woman I 1 am cry should be heeded in time recommend rec recommending ommen your medicine to all my lydia E Pink hams vegetable corn frienda ilas annie E G hyland pound was prepared to the needs town md ff of woman wayt ft IB s system n at this a trying wv Sv another A il comans womans Wo mans casc period of her life it invigorates and daring cbanta of life cannot express strengthens the female organism and what I 1 my physician said I 1 the weakened nervous system had a cancerous condition 0 the womb ona it has carried thousands of women day I 1 read soma of of women safely through this crisis who had been cured by lydia E for advice regarding thia important vegetable compound Compo ond and I 1 decided to try it special and to write yon tor advice your median period women are invited to and an bad framp made r s me C i all woman m 1 my write to mrs at lynn mass toms soon disappeared and it will be furnished absolutely free 1 I advise even woman at this period culife of charge to take medicine and write yon for ao read what lydia E Pink hams compound vice mr atela henhe balem ind did for mrs hyland and mrs what lydia E vegetable klinkle il inkle compound did for mrs byland alq dear mrs mrs hankle it wih do for any jomaa 1 I had been suffering with falling of the at this time of life tor years and was passing through the ithac restored a toed ai change of life my badly conquered I 1 had health and prolonged afe ufe la cases that len my stomach was sore dizzy spells sick and was very nervous utterly baffled physicians lydia E Vec succeeds where other fua |