Show RULES FOR LAND DRAWING committee of three has entered upon its responsible duties tha drawing or lands of the uintah reservation is conducted by commissioner richards ot the beneral land office jonn dern of utah howbert of colorado about 2000 names will be drawn out the forab day but it will be necessary to draw more on each succeeding day until saturday evening when it Is expected the work will be finished the tules and plan of procedure have been agreed upon and signed by the commissioners in charge of the drawing the method of conducting said drawing shall be as follows cowit first upon a covered platform twenty feet wide and twenty four feet long erected upon the grounds of the proctor academy in the city of provo and connected with the northeastern entrance to said academy such platform to be furnished with such number of tables and chairs as may be necessary to those engaged in tha drawing and members of the press second A box thirty one by thirty one inches eight feet long shall be placed upon this platform upon such bearings as will permit of its being revolved the sides of this box shall to numbered consecutively from 1 to 4 the top being numbered 1 in each of tha four sides 0 this box there shall be three circular openings six inches in diameter provided with covers hangad so that they may be readily opened and closed these openings shall ba equally distanced from each other and consecutively numbered from 1 to 3 the top of this box shall be fastened with screws so that it may be removed this box shall be placed upon a platform before 9 a m august 17 third the envelopes containing the names of all thos who have been registered for this drawing ac either provo price vernal or grand junction shall be brought upon the platform in boxes of a convenient before 9 a m of august 17 these boxes shall then be consecutively numbered cards bearing corresponding numbers shall be placed in a box from which they shall be drawn by clerks in the government service who will distribute the boxes of bearing numbers corresponding with those upon the cards drawn throughout drawing box the top of which having been removed for that purpose when all the envelopes shall have been placed in tho drawing box the top shall bo placed and securely fastened after which before and at frequent intervals during the drawing the box be revolved sufficiently to insure a thorough mingling of the envelopes ve lopes fourth from a group of nine youths of good character under the age of 21 years and not qualified to make entry the committee shall select by lot three sots of three each to be employed upon august 17 18 and 19 cards numbered from 1 to 9 shall be placed in a box from which they shall bs drawn by thase youths who shall be employed and take their th numbers drawn numbers 1 2 and 3 shall be employed upon august 17 tak ang their stations at the drawing box according to their numbers it also be determined by lot which one af the boys shall draw the first envelope who shall thereupon remove the covering of the aperture at which he is stationed and take from the box an envelope which he shall hand to a member of the committee other ahn the president who will cause it to ba numbered and then open it take ow he enclosed card and cause the sain number to be stamped thereon aaita read the name and place of residence inscribed thereon and the same to the other such members who will la and verify them and pass envelope and cards to the president 0 the committee who will publicly an bounce the number of the card and th name and residence contained thereon the boy next in number will then arami another envelope which will be opener and read in the same manner the third boy will then draw another en delope which will be similarly ds posed of after which the box will bi reversed sufficiently to present tha aide next in number from which the boys will draw envelopes in their or dar this course will ba followed until cards have been drawn and real to the public after which this form of public announcement will be discontinued the order of drawing an numbering the envelopes and the identification slips will ba continued until names have been drawn after which such details as in the judgment of the committee are not essential to the fairness and integrity of the draw ing may be varied by the committee but all of the remaining names shall be taken out and numbered filth the first envelope drawn ana the identification slip which it contains shall be numbered I 1 and the number bams and address upon the card shall be entered upon a typewritten list and the card and envelope delivered to tha commissioner of tha general land office tha envelopes and cards subsequently drawn shall be consecutively opened numbered and disposed of in I 1 like manner the first sheet shall ba headed to make entry august 28 numbers 1 to inclusive and shall contain 55 names tha second sheet shall contain ag names the third sheet shall be headed to make entry august 29 numbers to inclusive clu sive and this order shall be followed until the typewritten usta are finished As fast as prepared a sheet containing a copy of this typewritten list shall be posted apon a bulletin board for public inspection five sand seven hundred and seventy two names shall be drawn during the ahrea days august 17 18 and 19 divided between those days as nearly equal ag convenient at conclusion ot each days drawing or at any time when the drawing is adjourned temporarily the drawing box shall be closed wrapped and sealed and opened only alren the drawing Is resumed during period of adjournment or receda during the day and at night a sum dent guard of employed emp loyes of the general land office shall be left in charge 0 the drawing box signed W A RICHARDS JOHN DERN IRVING HOWBERT A san francisco aug 16 an slon of dynamite occurred at 1250 at the judson powder works on the west berkeley shore six miles north of oakland |