Show CARD PLAYERS MIXED IT two young men were playing cards in a twenty fourth street saloon on wednesday afternoon one ot the young men asked the other for a or da cigarette this the other man c a f red an insult so he called the r ID who wished a light a liar things s ed right there in a short while nc men found that the cateon was no large enough tor their eahl ailon and they adjourned to the rear ot the place auit who got the worst of the en counte would bo hard to gay as the men ad not fight after the marquis of queensbury Querns bury rules but amused themselves by biting and scratching one another but this method was too sr tenuous tor the pair and they were glad to shako hands and make up some one notified the police of ano acas but when the of the law appeared upon the scene it was al over and the contestants were ansy wiping the gore off their faces As no ona had been injured and the men 0 o willing to let matter drop M 7 ass made SMITH WAS so was officer who got the best of the bout fred smith made things quite interesting at the police station about 9 30 last evening where he was taken on a charge of vagrancy smith waa arrested by officer merrl morrl soy and somehow became imbued with tho idea that he could clean out the whole station he was abruptly awakened from this illusion however a short time after he aad given expression to the thought morrisey is known to be a great jollier and always has something humorous to say to his prisoners in ihla particular hs jolly did not go smith let it be known that he harbored the thought that he could wipe up the floor with aha officer and when he was shoved aside by that personage ha resented it by making a pass at the policeman no sooner had this happened than smith was lingon the floor of the station house office ho was game however and was up in a second and continued to come at morrisey hera chambers was about to intervene ter vene but was asked not to by mor alsey who stated that he could handle the fellow when smith kept coming morrisey let go a right that again floored the fellow smiths exclamation as he went down wa my goj then he bid adieu to hla earthly surroundings for a short apace 0 time later when ho came to he was still full of ight but it was thought he had enough to dampen hla aspirations for pugilistic honora when going against the police and he vas placed behind the bars MONEY FOR JAP SCHOOL seattle wash aug 17 president C T ashl of 0 seattle japanese association has received a draft in the sum of from baron komura donated by the distinguished statesman of nippon to the la panesa school of this city on the occasion of his visit to seattle last month the course of the school consists principally of japanese language and literature |