Show betterment IN THE FEVER SITUATION new orleans aug 15 official report to 6 p m new cases 62 total cases to date 1080 deaths today C 4 total deaths to date i new tod 18 total fact to date 29 new orleans la aug 15 the days records show that there Is beginning to ba an improvement in the situation with only 62 new oases found by the present system there is every reason to believe that the progress of the disease has been checked and its eradication Is only a question of a tow weeks of the six deaths today only one was an italian among the others was J 0 daspit a prominent lawyer and alerre aldal a well known musician and at one time the leader of the french orchestra aldal was in destitute circumstances and was by tied by the city he was found in a dying condition only a third of the new cases today were italians the state board of health announces that in the state outside of new orleans there have been to date cases and 24 deaths the state has contributed tri buted toward the patterson emergency fund thirty five tons of sulphur donated by the marine hospital service today will be distributed among the poorer classes tor a general fumigation of their premises QUESTION OF SAKHALIN IS PUT OFF BY ENVOYS two points are agreed to and interesting contest will be waged over china eastern railroad portsmouth N H aug 15 the crisis in the peace negotiations upon which the eyes of the world are fastened Is approaching rapidly and the end of this week or the first of next at the latest should witness the deadlock and the end it the conference Is to go to pieces two more of the twelve articles numbers four and six were disposed of today article four consists of mutual pledges to observe tho integrity of china and the policy of the open door tor the commerce of all nations and article six covers the surrender of the russian leases to the liao tung peninsula port arthur dalny and the blonde and elliott islands to article tour both parties gave ready assent and the official statement of tho adoption of that article took care to state that it was agreed to unanimously article five the consideration of which was passed until later provides for the cession of the island of sakhalin Sak halin discussion appearing useless at this stage on account of the arm negative given in the russian reply it wis decided upon the motion of the japanese to deter its discussion thus revealing the japanese intention of postponing to the end the life and death struggle the extent of usual proceed ure followed independent negotiations enabling the negotiations to come to an accord upon all possible points before tackling the crucial issues and the tact that the russians acquiesced in the proposition shows that they too are as care ful and as anxious as are the japanese that the world should not accuse them 0 being responsible tor precipitating the break it break tharo Is to bo and wrecking the conference this in itself is a hopeful sign beames by postponing the burning questions to tho end the psychological moment for bargain and compromise arrives then hurriedly the last trump cards are played and the game ja bonci and Is growing hope of compromise to the closest observers the final solution begins to crystallizes quite naturally russia yielding the cession of sakhalin Sak halin japan foregoing the cost of the war but taking compensation in money to be refunded to japan by china on account of the transfer to her of the caneso eastern railway russia contends belong to a private corporation po ration therefore by japan the russian government property in port arthur and dalny and remuneration mune ration for the maintenance of the russian prisoners in japan according to the russian view japan has already secured all and more than she dreamed of claiming before the war to insist upon a foo who has still half a million men confronting her in the field tooting the bill for bo coat of the war the price of peace would the russians say change the character of ane military struggle henceforth from one tor certain prin caplea to ono for alie exaction or blood money all questions relating to korea and manchuria except ane cession of the chinese eastern railway life main siberian hue running through northern manchuria from the station manchuria on the amur via harbin to vladivostok are settled in the five articles already adopted some contusion hs arisen about these articles and the following resume can be accepted as absolutely accurate one recognition of japans preponderating ponde rating influence in korea etc two mutual obligation to evacuate manchuria russia to retrocede to china all special privileges etc three iapani obligation to restore the sovereign ity and administration of china in manchuria fourth mutual obligations to respect the territorial and administrative integrity of china and the principle of the open door sixth the surrender of the russian leases to the llao tung peninsula including port arthur dalny and the blonde and elliott islands the remaining seven articles not given in numerical order are the cession of sakhalin Sak halin reimbursement for the cost of the war the cession to china of the chinese eastern railroad the article relating to that portion of the main line of the siberian railroad running through northern manchuria which includes provision for policing of the road by china and not by russia fishing rights on the siberian coast north of bladl to ohp bering sea the article affecting dussias Rus sias naval power in the far east and that providing for the surrender of the russian warships interned in tar eastern waters to all i of these russia has more or less objected besides and hahka alln mr witte will strenuously oppose the surrender of the interned warships the limitation on dussias Rus sias naval power and the cession of the chinee eastern railroad to china the article relating to the china eastern railroad Is number seven and comes up at the session tomorrow mom ins the russians are prepared with documentary evidence it the article is not passed over to show that the railroad Is a private corporation owned by the russo bank mr off one of the russian delegates was manager of the bank at st petersburg until a few months ago when he was sent to as minister upon the death of mr lesser mr herger the attorney of the bank is also here and the fight upon this article is sure to prove extremely interesting and possibly prolonged as russia will contest the japanese contention that tho russian government Is the real owner of the railroad and it was built for purely purposes tho only jar in the sessions of the conference today occurred at the morning session when a rather spirited controversy tro versy occurred over the publicity of the proceedings each side manifested a disposition to charge the oth er with being responsible for the leaks and it was settled by renewed pledges to observe abo strictest secrecy henceforth regarding the proceedings As a the correspondents tonight experienced additional difficulty in securing information envoys recreations portsmouth N H aug 15 during the cold rainy day at the hotel the attaches of the two missions impatiently awaited news of the conference the russians settled down this morn ing to the russian game of vint with which they amused themselves for the greater part of the day the younger members of the japanese mis slon gossiped wiell the other guests danced and played bridges but the arrival of the various editions of the newspapers was the signal tor a rush to the news counter and then the men would retire to a bluet corner to learn the news about the negotiations which they hesitate to extract from their respective spec tive chiefs it is not unlikely that tomorrow the afternoon session will adjourn rather earlier than for the past few days unless the discussions should be unexpectedly prolonged it Is the present plan to have no meeting sunday russian public relieved st petersburg aug 16 3 a m the associated press dispatch announcing the decision of the plenipotentiaries at portsmouth to waive tor the present consideration of the article relating to makhlin and to proceed with the the discussion of points that russia la willing to accept aa a basis of negotiations were received here with some surprise and even relief by the russian public generally which had been forewarned that this session might end the conference M witte Is known to have considered a rupture more than possible the russian correspondents on monday night privately notified their papers that negotiations might be expected to end on the morrow when the russian and japanese plenipotentiaries locked horns on the question of the cession of sakhalin Sak halin the bourse also was apprehensive and russian imperial fours which were weak yesterday fell off one eight the postponement of the of one of the two points on which the taic of the hangs is considered a good sign but not a sure one and the general opinion remains one of doubt though pessimism is losing ground as the das pass without a rupture between the envoys count and some of the other ministers received in audience by the emperor at yesterday but the anticipated statement ans not given out and probably wll not be the foreign office maintained com alete reserve regarding the proceed ings at portsmouth and it iff explained that while russia would ba glad to accord a great measure of publicity to the results of the deliberations and even desires to do so the japanese attl tudo on this point necessitates the avoidance of any statement or comment regarding the organizations to this end all the news relating to the portsmouth conference bag been conveyed to the russian public through the medium of press dispatches the idea Is advanced by several of the embassies that an outlet may possibly be found in a compromise on the two main points of dispute if japan Is willing to give up sakhalin Sak halin and receive from russia not a general war indemnity but payment for any rights that may be acquired by virtue by the japanese troops washington aug 15 the weekly crop bulletin summary gays rain Is badly needed on tho north pacific coast the reports continue to indicate an excellent outlook tor the corn spring wheat has done well only slight injury from rust being reported in oregon spring wheat has been badly shriveled in the valley where aba yields are disappointing |