Show ROCKY MOUNTAIN COMPANY DIS custes ITS advisability now exchange will be built with view of allowing big expansion in business from thursdays standard looking to the future the rocky mountain bell telephone people have formally discussed advisability of making their new addition to their present quarters a three story tura it is thought that within the abort space of two years or less he business ot the company will demand larger quarters than the new building will afford while the proposition of the additional story Is undergoing der going consideration the work on the addition will be pushed forward so far this extensive improvement which has been under way for about six weeks has caused but little comment this Is probably due to the fact that all the material and labor has been bandied in canal ally in the rear of the present bell telephone building the original plans provide for a commodious two story and basement structure which is to be absolutely alra proof the material used in the walls floors and partitions will be concrete it is estimated that the new quarters will be ready tor occupancy in about sixty days when completed it Is claimed that this will make one of the most modern telephone plants yet constructed the capacity of the plant will be such as to insure space in the future based oh their phenomenal growth the whole of the upper floor will be equipped tor and occupied as an operating room which w ill he under the supervision of a central office manager chief operator and monitors the floor beneath will contain the machines for i the charging of the storage ringing machines terminal racks and arresters there will also be a corn testing apparatus located on this floor which will be in charge of tha ire chief the basement will also contain the large storage battery plant there all the network of underground cables will enter and be carried to tha distributing frames en the floor above for the present the old building will merely und dergo remodeling on the interior but should a third story be decided upon it is likely that it will ba placed over the old building as well as the new |