Show secret staircase and subterranean passages aug 17 subterranean passages leading from ecret staircase to stone vaulted chambers beneath the old allden mansion in gramercy have been brought to haht by the contractors engaged ia tearing oat and remodeling the structure which Is BOW under course of transformation into a home forthe national art club many other peculiarities liari ties exist in the mansion which must nave been the conception of famiie J allden hhas elf and which hate remained undiscovered up to this day although the famous old dwelling has housed many tenants since his removal to greystone in where he died in august 1886 there Is a legend among the old time residents of the neighborhood that allden who roused a host of en emles by the part he took in the ex kosure of the tweed ring had a fear of secret and hla house accordingly i the interior of the mansion was a work of art in its day and is scarcely equaled in some respects even now by the palaces of upper fifth avenue in the work of remodelling remo delling now un der way the secret staircases and un der ground passages were discovered As the builders like mr allden long sanco joined their fathers no explanation can be given tor the mysterious passages other than that mentioned by old neighbors it was found that the building had three roots instead of one and that a tiny staircase led to a secret passage i from the second floor entrance to it was gained by pressing a knob on a beautifully carved walnut panel in the cellar a puzzling labyrinth of vaults and passages was found leading to a bricked tunnel the walls ot i which were covered with mold but which was otherwise perfectly dry the tunnel fa tar as it could be ex elored led straight south from tha mansion but its terminus evidently had been closed for many years and theair was found so bad that the krecl era have not ventured more than 20 feet into the passage CITRUS CROP southern california expects a record breaker los angeles cal aug 17 from recent estimates made of the citrus crop for next year indications point to a record breaker that there will be upwards of carloads is certain and the aggregate may reach cars the current year ends october 31 with shipments that hilll total mora than cars and the dally average now Is about 20 carloads it the estimate given proves correct the crop next season will break the record by fully cars as the present season Is doing by about cars returns tor the shipments this season show that the southern california fruit exchange will havo distributed to growers tor fruit shipped for its members close calculations upon the output for next season place the net amount that will come to tho growers at about KING AND KAISER TO MEET new york aug 17 an interview between emperor william and king edward will take place when the king is returning home after tho cure ia Marien bad says a times dispatch from berlin the interview Is said by the correspondent to have been arranged through the friendly offices 0 emperor francis joseph SURPRISED DY the hague august 17 an dispatch reports another surprise attack toy rebels on a dutch at badong in the klewans district A dutch and six european soldiers wore killed the acal nese left score killed |