Show MEET RICH VEIN WHILE DIGGING foundation A letter received here by george F brown president of the goldfield crown king mines company from J J olsen manager who has been developing ve some of the companas comp anys claims tor the past two months states that the work Is being pushed rapidly he reports having received essays assays running from 73 to per ton in gold samples sent hero that were assayed by R H officer co of salt lake give the splendid assay of per ton in gold the indications are favorable tor a large amount of this high grade ore being mined for which arrangements are now being made the ore referred to is from two columbia claims owned by the crown king people tho development of the property where this strike was made shows that a vein of ore has been disclosed of immense proportions it being traced on the GOO feet long 12 to 16 feet wide and has been tapped at a depth of 80 feet where it maintains its width and increased values another tunnel is now being run feet further down the mountain side in which it is expected to again tap the vein within a few days in fals letter mr olsen states that wallo laborers in columbia wera excavating for the foundation of a new building to bo erected to replace one tho recent of those burned by encountered rock they fire which they are now panning and which shows values 0 ton athla ore was 1000 per about of seven feet and it struck at a depth there is much of it the strike will be among the largest of the season DEATH BLOW TO RACING portland oregon aug 15 what Is of racing believed was the death blow season in portland the present oi judge when presiding was sounded today decreed court state circuit eraser recently issued injunction that the against selling goofs at irvington until track would stand race ot the case final bearing her 7 ahn it Is believed though would be had compromise will be made an effort at successful it ia not expected to prove civil though it did and the and even has court the suit was withdrawn to be against pool selling plainly ruled be action could the law and criminal the berf and horse started race lost Multon oham fair have this litigation through much money and and the delay it has necessitated the will leave it Is expected the horses track within the next few days |