Show rf s while trying to save companion from deaths portland ore aug 14 A special to the oregonians oregonian Ore gonian from bend ore states that carl A chapman a well known business man of bend after setting oft a blast in the bottom of a well which he was diggings diggin gr on his homestead some miles from that place went to the bottom of the fjell to remove the blasted rock and was overcome by gaa his companion A A anthony succeeded in bringing chapman to vithina few feet of the surface when his own strength gave out and he dropped chapmans Chap mans body anthony frantic and r exhausted managed to get out of the well it was nine miles to the nearest help not knowing the fate ot his friend at the bottom ot the well and being un ablo to investigate further himself he climbed on the horse the men had at the homestead and rode him till he dropped owing to his exhausted condition he was unable to make himself understood tor come ame the men at the camp believing him crazy finally be communicated to them bis diews and aid was sent to the well but it was found that cna skull bad been crushed when anthony dropped him anthony is now a raving maniac |