Show SAY JAPAN MUST LOWER HER TERMS st petersburg aug 11 the associated press Is in a position to declare that practically the only hope for a peace agreement at the conference abc portsmouth lies in the expectation that japan will recede materially from her terms as published official and public sentiment regarding the possibility lity of peace outlined to the associated socia ted press by an official who has constant and close relations with the highest authorities Is as follows that the terms are regarded in their entirety as quite impossible of acceptance and close scrutiny has not removed the very unfavorable impression their first reading has produced here it they are not modified especially ally in the matter ot indemnity ind territorial concessions peace it is thought is impossible russia la honestly and sincerely desirous of securing an honorable and lasting peace and to this end has sent her ries to portsmouth they did not journey thither merely to learn japanese demands the nature of their credentials prove that but they went in an earnest endeavor to do everything possible to terminate the war in a manner compatible with the dignity of a great nation the japanese terms aae regarded in russia as demands which might be made upon utterly crushed and powerless enemy but it Is absurd to propose them to a power like russia which has halt a million in the field facing the enemy this army is in good condition anil eager for action it possesses many advantages of position and the winter is coming on when naval operations would be impossible Is also fortified and supplied japan as well as the horld at large has persistently under estimated rus sias strength in the field and her final resources at home the more hopeful feeling which is noticeable here can ta traced to the conviction that M eltta who is thoroughly cognizant ot the views of the would not contin ue negotiations at portsmouth unless be had reason to believe japan would reduce her demands sufficiently to render them acceptable to russia tho russian envoys went to portsmouth ready to make reasonable and honorable concessions and 3 peace Is to result from the negotiations on american soil japan also must show an equal spirit of reasonableness and sincerity in her protestations for russia believes that the world will recognize that the fault in case oc failure will not rest with russia OIL FOR FUEL mexico city aug 14 the mexican central railway has begun active preparations to change its fuel system from wood and coal to oil and in a few weeks the company will erect seven huge tanks tor storing oil at various points Wilkes barre pa aug 14 president roosevelt who was a guest here on thursday last has sent autograph photographs to mayor fred C kirkendall and rev J J curran of this city tho photographs bear the inscription with pleasant memories of an interesting te city |