Show LABOR DAY WAS SELECTED FOR EXCURSION machinists offer a rebuke to business men for intruding on their celebration from wednesdays standard the international association ol 01 machinists ts local lodge no at a meeting held last evening adopted a resol ullon which was evidently directed at the weber club excursion scheduled for labor day tor which great preparations have been made the resolution was aa follows whereas the central trades and labor assembly has arranged for a and barbecue at glenwood park on labor day september it is hereby unanimously resolved diatha Diat hB A in as a those who woul drun counter attract tiona on that day A copy of the above was shown to president 0 B gilsea of the weber club in charge of the excursion to bidlake midlake on that date mr allson after reading the resolution stated 1 I am glad that you have balleu my attention to this matter and am sorry to leam that such a step has absen found necessary by any of the labor unions when we first decided to give tha excursion wo picked out labor day as on that date none 0 the laboring class work and we figured that thlu would give them a chance of a lifetime to view the great piece of engineering gi work on the cut os never again will ther bo a lefco rate offered by the railroad people so that the thousands ot people here will never be afforded an opportunity to ses the cutoff cut off at such small cast it was for the benefit of the working people that the excursion was arranged for labor day and not tor purpose of drawing from any other attractions tr in addition to all this the dula of trains running between here and will be buch as to permit i any one desiring to attend the celebration at glenwood park an opportunity of going over the cutoff cut off and returning in eason to attend the other celebration it was through the kindness of general superintendent buckingham that we were enabled to secure tha low rate and I 1 am still ot the opinion that the many worling people of og den should take advantage of this opportunity port unity to visit the cutoff cut off as alko chance will never present itself in addition to the above mr gilson stated that the reason tor his bo lieving that the same rate would never bo offered again was that excursion trains over the cutoff cut off were not solicited by the railroad people tor the reason that they greatly interfered with the handling of the regular traffic and that the remuneration was too small to offset the inconvenience and interruption to both the freight and passenger service KING EDWARD TAKING CURE bischl ischl austria aug 15 king edward who Is going to Marien bad to tako tha cure was the guest tonight of emperor francis joseph the emperor met king edward at garden grunden gmunden and accompanied him hither covers were laid for twenty per boas at the dinner there la no po significance attached to tha meeting of the two monarchs klag edward will proceed to Marien bad tomorrow |