Show 1 question of ceding chinese eastern railroad RaiS road L to chasia occupies the of WiS SiouS decision f ARTICLE SEVEN N H aug 16 the morning session of commissioners ot russia and ja pan ended at 1 during the entire time the discussion was upon article 7 of the peace terms which refers to the cession of the chinese eastern railroad to alna the following statement of the conference was made by mr at tho close of the morning session in the morning sitting of aug 16 the conference has taken up the discussion of article 7 the discussion not having been finished the conference has taken a recess at I 1 the session will abe resumed at 3 the exchange of views this morning was of a very earnest character and it is expected that the discussion of article 7 will consume all of the afternoon session indeed at the time the elvoyd adjourned tor luncheon they were not at all certain that they be able to complete the discussion i the article before tho diaries abday xo 7 covering the cession toi to i china of the chinese eastern railroad which runs south from harbin to port arthur and dalny with a spur to new chwang where it connects with the shea hal kwan tien asir road was conditionally accepted by the Russian reply but agreement fo it was bound up with consideration involving the fate of the whole negotiations and it Is certain to lead to long and earnest discussion russia will not admit the japanese contention that the road is wholly a government institution ution as all the shares of the railroad corporation are owned by the bank the governments interest in the road however probably will not be denied bu it will be urged that so far as it is private property it Is not the russian contention will be backed up by evidence mr berge the vice director and attorney of the rus so chinese bank while here attached to the mission as one of M wittes secretaries ret aries Is eess here io protect the interests of tho bank nevertheless in the long run russia it can be regarded as certain Is prepared to alvo up the road remunerating the russo chinese bank it necessary as with the loss of port arthur and dalny and the evacuation of manchuria its ralson detre for strategic and military purposes ceases its surrender to china however involves a large monetary profit for japan which can properly claim remuneration from china tor the restoration of the road the rebuilding of the bridges and the change in the gauge it will be for china and japan to arrange this but however adjusted the money which japan will obtain might be a partial remuneration mune ration tor the cost of tho war which she demands from russia and constitutes perhaps the timo of ultimate compromise it a treaty eventually is signed it is quite likely therefore that the agreement on the article after discussion will be held in abeyance until later and will be settled in the final exchange of views there are other reasons why this will probably be the case the main iane of the siberian railroad through northern manchuria to vladivostok which russia will insist on retaining connects at harbin with the chinese eastern and the commercial value of both roads will ultimately depend up on their traffic arrangement and their method of operation abid operation cooperation co As tha systems together now constitute the worlds swiftest highway from europe to the Orle jit the matter is very complicated and will require much time tor final detailed adjustment the article relating to the main line of tha siberian railway through northern manchuria which is believed to be no 8 of the peace conditions contemplates its retention by russia but it provides for its policing palely by chinese police on account of tho chi nese brigande brigands who infest manchuria CHILLING RAIN portsmouth N H aug FC tho japanese envoys after a trip from newcastle in an uncovered motor car through a boldt storm which prevailed arriving at the navy yard at to day the russian commissioners reached there a few minutes af berward ter ward it Is understood that the f subject to be considered today was no 7 ot the peace conditions which is the one relating to the cession ot the chinese eastern railroad to china beginning today the peace plen are to be served alth breakfast in their dining room at stores building at the navy yard heretofore a luncheon and afternoon tea had been served inthe dining room and the ar 1 has proved very attractive thomena Tho menu for breakfast Is print edjon french and sets forth an ar ray of dishes calculated to the appetite of the widest variety breakfast will bo ready each morn ing at half past 9 and it t Is tho intention to have the moal conclude fo that the session of the conference may begin by 10 the trip of the envoys from the hotel to the navy yard athla morning was very disagreeable on account of the steady chilling rain to which tho japanese representatives in their open automobile vero exposed and mongolia the strength and number of which ba been greatly increased by the war russia will probably object strenuously to this provision on the ground that chinese protection will prove inefficient and the greal highway will be in constant dan ger from the very nature of the articles remaining to be considered therefore it is certain that the crisis in the negotiations Is almost at hand all that remains elems more or less mutually interdependent if japan as is generally believer is ready to yield upon the question of limiting dussias Rus sias sea power in the far east and the surrender of tho interned warships U would only bo in return for a satisfactory agreement upon the issues of sakhalin Sak halin and indemnity yet tha japan I 1 ese sent cablegrams cable grams costing thousands of dollars to boklo As a result of the conduct of the negotiations the japanese bavo apparently changed their view about a formal armistice should the bases of agreement be obtained it ia known they gave president roosevelt to understand that once the bases of a treaty were agreed to they would be ready to conclude a military truce but they now seem to be distrustful of the russian tactics and are disposed to believe the arrangement of final details would bo expected if no armistice were made JAPAN AND RUSSIA SHOULD GUARD RAILROADS portsmouth N H aug IG alesandre correspondent of the st petersburg slavo writing on the questions involved in the surrender of the eastern chinese railway which Is being considered by the peace conference today and also regarding the general question of the restoration of chinese sovereignty in the province says notwithstanding the secrecy so observed in the preheat conference it Is known the second article discussion contained the question of returning manchuria to chana aad that the article has been agreed upon so it is understood that manchuria Is going to be restored under the charming administration of china for fear of dussias Rus sias enlargement she has been prevented from completing her work af that province where she abent million s of russian coubles roubles rou bles retaining in return only unpleasant memories and now they say that it is better to give manchuria to nobody than to russia for to return manchuria to china means to return that province to tho state of barbarism it is asked it even the railroads which cut this province in three portions and which should be an instrument of civilization and of development of her riches will be abandoned to chinese neglect with regard to the harbin railway line the institution of a chinese administration can be understood as this line has no strategic legitimate value except for china but it is bulto different with the line uniting vladivostok to russia which it is impossible tor the muscovite empire because of its strategic value to make dependent upon a chinese administration technical researches have shown enormous enor moua difficulty of uniting vladivostok and port arthur with europe around the amur so the civilized world welcomed the decision of russia to build a railway through manchuria russia made this immense becort which considering the policy of the open door will bo of great and equal advantage to the commerce of the whole world it is therefore just that russia should have tho material guarantee that the railway line should not run the least risk of being destroyed or cut by the brigande brigands bri gands or that it should suffer in case of a misunderstanding with china the commerce of the world will gain very much it japan should be entrusted with the guarding of the southern railway line and russia with the protection of the north hue mutually pledging themselves to follow the policy of the open door in the whole province NOT A FISH TRUST columbus 0 august ac A booth co chicago a corporation popularly designated the elsh trust against which a suit in ouster was recently by tha attorney general on the ground that it was organized in restraint of trade today filed an amended answer in tho district court defendant la a the admits the corporation incorporated under tho laws of illinois with a capital of WO and that it has purchased twenty four fish companies the answer denies it Is a trust in restraint of business and names several hundred elsh companies still doing an in depend elsh business it also names corporations in ohio among thorn the standard OH co which aro organized in uio same way and doing business without being molested it says the Is properly incorporated un company dw the laws of illinois and is entitled to all the benefits WATER FIGHT IN adah 0 blackfoot idaho aug in this vicinity bavo out afresh A few days since broken SS crops near blackfoot Black toot were perish want of water judge showing made to bin budge upon a abo fo tho effect that 0 ranchers the idaho falls were no only taking but actually letting larg full quota ordered tha to go closed tor ditches ot the big tea a time 5 enable the ditches in this lo 10 to nil up for a tew days ev brysin Sin booke d rosy but den ory great falling off in there waa a very tk volume reaching this tar down and the crops were again anop cited a num stevens liiv judea residents in tho 1 to appear on county the of part per kay and show why they should not ba punished for contempt the water commissioners having discovered a number bojc he adgate opened up contrary to the order of the court a week ago from tho temper of tho community and the critical condition of a number 0 farmers who are practically ruined by this last action it would not be surprising if the court should ba extremely severe with the offenders |