Show prizes said to be worth from to thousands witness the big lottery provo utah aug 17 ray daniels of provo utah was the first name drawn from the box at the drawing for homesteads in the uintah reservation which began here today the second name drawn was noah M bal bock of angora colo daniels and balback will be entitled to the first and second selections respectively ively of the uintah indian reservation er lands to be thrown open to entry on august the values of these homesteads of acres each have been variously estimated but conservative persons who have been over the land place the value of any of the best fifty claims at to and state that la probably a liberal valuation of the best claim open to entry as a homestead fully persons were present today when the drawing began under the personal direction of W A richards commissioner of the general land office the envelopes containing the names of the persons who registered earlier in the month at grand junction colorado and vernal palca and provo utah were placed in a great revolving box and given a thorough shaking up the envelopes were drawn from the box by three persona and the names of the winners were announced to the expectant crowd y about 2000 were drawn today and the drawing will continue friday and saturday the entering of the land will begin august 28 when entries will be received and on each of the two days following an equal number of entries will be recorded of the first two hundred persons whose names were drawn today are residents of utah 80 are residents ct colorado and 9 are residents of other states the nine from oher states include the following no ac charles A alexander ab batt texas CS nelson jr chicago john H kangman ariz edw B horne akron ohio henry P louisville ky J A keskey cumberland wyo godfrey G idas mich james montgomery dixon wyo MINERAL ENTRIES washington aug 17 acting secretary ryan of the interior department has decided that while mineral entries are permissible now on forest reserves in the uintah reservation in utah euch entries will not be allowed on others of those lands tor sixty days the decision was prepared in response to a request from the commissioner of the general lands office the decision also covers the question of water rights on the reservation and the text is as fellows 1 I that the lands within the boundaries of the forest reserve are now open to mineral exploration and location 2 that during the sixty day period provided in the proclamation the lands to be opened can be settled upon occupied and entered only in accordance with the terms of the proclamation not subject to mineral exploration or location 3 that after that period such of these lands as are mineral in character will be subjected to the operation of mining laws as other public lands of like character 4 that the control and use of the waters flowing over and upon these lands are governed by the laws of the state 6 that these lands are not subject to the control or under the jurisdiction of the indian bureau of this department after the date fixed for the opening of said lands in the dents proclamation |