Show ESPEY DIES AT hoille OF BISHOP SIM well known citizen passes avay after five weeks illness thomas empey ono or the cites well known citizens died at last evening at the home of his stepson step son bishop george with whom he resided at washington avenue of hemorrhage of tho bowels after an illness lasting five weeks aged SO years 11 months and 11 days the deceased was boorn in bedford shire england august 20 1834 he joined the latter day saints church in his native town over 62 years ago it Is about 34 years since he emigrated to utah coming to ogden where he has resided ever since he has taken an active part in church work ever since coming here and was very well known throughout the county he was a member of the weber stake high quorum he is survived by fourteen grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren the funeral services oer the remains will be held in the lynn ward meeting house thursday at 2 in the afternoon the remains may be viewed at the homo between the hours of 10 and 1 on date of burial interment will be in the ogi den city cemetery SOLDIER KILLED run over by wheela of hla own gun carriage san francisco aug 15 while attending a drill at the presidio today private fred farmer of the farat battery fleig artillery came to his death under ane wheels of his gun carriage he was riding a new horse in a fresh team when the connecting bar between the parts of the gun carriage broke the horses became frightened and ran away farmer jumped from his saddle backward hoping to escape what appeared to him to be a certain wreck later on he fell beneath the front wheel which ran over the body breaking the ribs he was then seen to struggle partly to his feet but was caught by the hind wheels one of which struck him at the shoulder knocking him down and crossing his in an instant tha wounded soldier was caught by his comrades and hurried to the hospital but he died on the way A reputation how it vas made and retained in ogden A good reputation is not easily earned and it was only by hard consistent work aloag our citizens that doana kidney pills won their way to the proud distinction attained in this locality the public endorsement ot scores of ogden residents has rendered invaluable service to tho read what this citizen says chas H rhees machinist residing at st says on account 0 trouble with my back I 1 could not lift anything stoop or do any tiled of work that required a strain on the muscles of the loins jt I 1 at still any length ot time and then got on my feet twinges ahot through the region of the kidneys later a distressing and annoying urinary weakness set in I 1 noticed doans kidney pills advertised verti sed to cure euch trouble and I 1 thought that if they performed halt what they promised they were just the remedy I 1 needed so I 1 got a box at S W barcons Bad cons drug store 2421 washington abc the treatment did so much good that I 1 followed this up with a second and then a third they cured toe attack for sale by all dealers 60 cents foster allburn co buffalo N Y sole agents for trie united states remember ahe name doans and take no mtnor |