Show TRAINMEN MUST NOW READ OR dera harraman Harrl man lines adopt new method for handling train orders to abod oversights the southern pacific and union pacific roads of the Harrl mafi system have adopted a new rule in regard to handling train orders by the trainmen with aview of eliminating as far as possible aba chance for an accident through a failure on the part of the conductor or engl nemen to carry out the telegraphic instructions A bulletin has been issued instructing the telegraph operators to deliver three instead of two copies of all train orders to the conductor the conductor in turn delivers one copy to the engl nemen aa formerly and the ad copy to the head brakeman on the train tho head brakeman Is ordered to carefully peruse the ordera after which he delivers sheroo the rear brakeman who Is also commanded to read the same carefully these trainmen are supposed to watch and see that the orders are carried out and in case of an oversight call the conductors attention to it thus avoiding accidents for a long alino it has been tho custom of the engineers to read aloud their orders to the fireman in order that he may familiarize himself with them and thus be in a position to call attention to an oversight it has also been customary to a certain degree for the conductor to have the rear brakeman read over the orders but tha including of the front brakenman bra kenan is a new feature and the providing of the extra copy that finally reaches tile rear brakeman is considered a good move one that should go a long way toward eliminating the possibility of an accident through a misinterpretation or an oversight ot the orders CHARGES AGAINST TAGGART were filed ip war department last april washington aug 15 it Is now stated at the war department that charges were filed there last april against major taggart who is suing his wife tor divorce in ohio but no action has been taken on the charges nor will anything bo done until the termination of the suit the charges re late to matters out of which the divorce has grown taggart also filed charges against col miner some almo ago but they were considered trivial nd wore dismissed |