Show WEEKLY STANDARD WM GLASMANN editor and manager FIRST OF ALI THE NEWS the standard fights fair THE HOME NEWSPAPER all money must be by registered letters money orders or checks small amounts may be sent in 2 cent postage stamps only PRICES OF subscription payable in advance the weekly sua and tho weekly standard one year six months three months boc one month address all communications to the standard publishing co LEGAL in the district court of the second i judicial district ot the state ot utah in and tor the county of weber mary jacobs plaintiff vs william D jacobs defendant summons the state ot utah to the said defend ant you are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service ot this summons upon you it served within the county in which this action is brought otherwise within thirty days after ser vloe and defend the above entitled action and in case of your failure so to do judgment will bo rendered against yon according to the demands of the complaint ot which a copy is herewith served upon you i N J HARRIS plaintiffs attorney P 0 address room 31 first na bank building ogden utah ALIAS SUMMONS in the municipal court within and for the city of ogden county ot weber state of utah before hon J D murphy municipal judge and ex precinct justice of the peace the tribune publishing company incorporated plaintiff vs G A horn and maud horn defendants the state of utah to said defend ants you are hereby summoned to appear before the above entitled court within ten 10 days after the service of athla summons upon you it served within the county in which this action Is brought otherwise within twenty 20 days after this service and da tend the above entitled action in case of your failure to do so judgment will ba rendered against you to the demand of the complaint in said action which was filed in said court on the alth day of may A D 1905 to the sheriff or any constable 0 weber county greeting make legal i service and due return hereof witness HON JD MURPHY judge of said court with the seal thereof this ath day of july A D 1805 DAVID cleric SEAL E A stratford esq attorney to plaintiff GRAIN SEEDS AND PRODUCE blackman griffin grain seeds and produce 2548 washington ave Is a very imports nt feature of business and social life A perfect Is a vital necessity business you will be prompt in attending gocr ocial 1 your witch is right let ua sell ys a that will cojei c yog J S LEWIS CO t |