Show governor cummins of bowa docs not want reciprocity damped with faint praise A bigas tariff is advocated WAR chicago aug 17 declaration of political war on the stand patters in congress and throughout the country was demanded by gov A B cummins of iowa today in the reciprocity convention the comment was made that in GOT cummins the conference had found its leader chicago aug 17 chairman packard called the reciprocity convention to order today the first speaker waa A B farquahar Farqu aher of pennsylvania at the conclusion of his address the chairman called for the report of the committee on resolutions and chairman E N foss raised the following resolution which will he considered at a later hour the national reciprocity convention representing more than agricultural and industrial associations of the united states assembled at chicago august and 1005 hereby makes the following declaration of principles whereas the agricultural manalac and other industries of this country have expanded to such an extent that they can no longer depend upon tho home market for the consumption of their entire product and whereas the export trade has become a vital support to many of our industries and 1 whereas the present commercial attitude of the united states largely owing to our failure to carry into effect the reciprocity trade provisions of section IV of the dingley law s antagonizing foreign nations whose good will we desire and on whom we have hitherto depended as purchasers of our surplus products therefore bo it resolved first that this convention the principle of protection as the established policy of our country advocates reciprocal concessions ces by means of a dual or maximum and minimum tariff as the most adequate and practical method of relieving the strained situation with which we are now confronted second that the question of the schedules and items to be considered in such reciprocal concessions preferably be suggested by a permanent tariff commission to be voted by congress and appointed by the president which shall consist of economic industrial and commercial experts third that it la the sense of this convention that our present tariff affords abundant opportunity for such concessions without injury to industry trade or the wages of labor fourth that we urge action upon congress at the earliest time possible we recommend that a permanent organization be formed under the style of american reciprocal tariff league and that a committee of fifteen be appointed by the chair to have full power to organize and further prosecute the work for which the convention has assembled sem bled said committee shall have power to increase its membership and to fill vacancies when necessary respectfully submitted signed E N foss massachusetts A H sanders edward W pago new york A B farquhar pennsylvania W A harris kansas frank J hagenbarth idaho wm larrabee iowa murdo mckenzie colorado marion sanson texas charles P senter missouri conrad kohr montana W H hatton wisconsin committee on resolutions senator shelby M cullom of illinois said in part the west Is almost unanimously in favor of reciprocity eastern senators are almost solidly against it the minority in the senate is divided reciprocity under the fourth section of the dingley act has failed 1 I believe that the dingley rates are sufficiently high to warrant our entering into reciprocal arrangement with central and south american countries and with european nations as well 1 I very much prefer the adoption of the principles of reciprocity as a means of retaining and extending our foreign markets as a means of quietly without interruption of our business conditions revising where necessary tho tariff as a moans of preventing discrimination against our products aa germany and other nations now propose to make but if we cannot insure the ratification fi of reciprocity treaties there is one other method that was seriously considered by the committee on foreign relations than two years ago when it became apparent that the reciprocity treaties could not be ratified and that Is the adoption of a maximum and minimum tariff by that I 1 mean the adoption of an arrangement ran gement by act of congress somewhat similar to that in in france have a minimum tariff applicable to all nations who give our products the nation treatment and tho maximum tariff say 25 per cent higher to apply to nations which discriminate against our products the adoption of this principle would not accomplish for our foreign trade all that reciprocity would accomplish com it would not open any new markets for our products but it would prevent discrimination A maximum and a minimum tariff Is more in the way of retaliation but something must be done and it we cannot secure reciprocity ip I 1 shall tavor the enactment of a law ty congress providing a maximum tariff to be applicable to every nation that discriminates against our products there are two remedies reciprocity or a maximum and a tariff and as it appears naw the latter it either is the method that will be adopted edward rosewater editor of the omaha bee was introduced H he was secretary of the committee of resolutions of the republican national committee of 1900 and wished to con 1 the statement made in the reciprocity contention that the republican party in its platform of 1900 and in had pledged itself to a revision of the tariff and that it had alo labod ite pledge the republican bartys greatest pledge he eaid was a continuance of prosperity and wo have got it applause now the question Is are we at the crossing of the roads or are we not on the upward trend to the highest degree of prosperity this country la capable of having but remember that there are methods of reaching the republican congress that must be pursued by you here today or you are not going to accomplish very much you cannot accomplish it by denouncing the tariff as a graft there Is graft in church and Is graft in masonry and other fraternal organizations but you could not denounce the church or masonry because men have been found in the ranks who are drafters grafters gr there is graft of course in connection with the but as a principle the protective system has built up the industries of this country and M la because of the great invasion of american industry to all parts of the world that yon have had trouble which you are called together to consider you never would have been here but for the tact that millions ot american products have found their way into foreign countries within the past year I 1 believe in carrying out the letter and spirit of the constitution that reaches these questions by reciprocity pro city I 1 do not believe you can do it by a double standard that is precisely what you propose here the double standard of tariff which means simply a minimum tariff and nothing else gov cummins of iowa was the next speaker he said in part 1 I do not pretend to be master of the subject that you have under consideration but I 1 do know something of the consequence of standing tor that policy I 1 have on my political body some scars and some wounds received in the fight I 1 have endeavored to carry on during the last few years applause reciprocity has been damned with faint praise and with false friends long enough applause the time has come to so that the people may know who stand tor and who stand against this doctrine applause the friends of reciprocity pro city tha advocates of reciprocity have passed through years of depression and discouragement simply because it has been coddled in conventions and crucified in congress cheers it has been eulogized in the abstract and condemned in the concrete applause and the hour has arrived when tt Is fair to ask those who are hostile to the policy to avow it and I 1 am gratified beyond measure that in the course of this struggle there appears to be some sign now that those who fight it will come out in the open 4 YELLOW FEVER noon yellow fever report new cases in new orleans since 5 p m wednesday 19 today cases to date 1165 deaths today 2 today deaths j new orleans aug 17 the relatively insignificant number of deaths here in the past 34 hours at a time when it waa stated there would be some increase over the maximum figures already reported has mado a fine impression on the local public confirming the previously expressed view that the disease Is losing its to contact with modern forms of treatment W the 19 new squares infected 12 are immediately joining the squares previously reported as infected showing the slight spread of the disease A list of IS suspicious cases reached the marine hospital officers after the report closed and were under investigation today A alne showing was made by the physicians 47 of the 60 cases being reported from private practice ten more were reported by the emergency hospital twenty two ot the cases were in the originally infected only five new foci were above canal ahrea adjoining squares already infected vladivostok WILL FORTIFY london august 17 the dally telegraphs correspondent at kojl japan says that military returning from the northern front say that the russian defense works at vladivostok are complete aud outwardly appear perfect many reinforcements have besa sent to that place provisions holovar how ovar are scarce and iho command ant is securing from korea and china AH the inhabitants la maritime provinces and along the banks of the amur hare fled to the in barlor of siberia the koreans and chinese are leaving vladivostok the i telegraphs osaka correspond 1 ent says that on the morning of august 9 dounda of cannonading canno were heard twelve miles aaa of karuan and con tinned all day |