Show levantina Lev lawyer did not marry reputed wife he says victoria 3 C aug 14 after giving evidence on california law disputing the evidence of R N whiting assistant district attorney of san fracisco regarding its application to perjury george D colllns being tried for extradition for perjury before judge lampman aavo sensational evidence under cross examination by frank haggins representing the state of california he says the evidence given of a marriage between himself and charlotta at san francisco was false and was part of a conspiracy framed to persecute him he stated he bad never been married to sharlotta Oh arlotta newman now styling herself charlotta collins in whose suit for maintenance against him at san francisco the affidavit was made up on which the perjury charge against him is based but had married her sister agnes M newman his marriage with agnes M newman had been contracted contra cled in his of ce witnessed by dr euston and his daughter jennio euston whose present whereabouts he did not know he had written the contract which he agnes M nowman and the witnesses had signed he had given it to her and had not seen it she had continually urged him to go through a ceremony of marriage and be yielded on slay 15 1889 when the ceremony was performed by father conolly at st johns church in san francisco he had drawn one thousand dollars which she had deposited in aba hibernian bank in her name and she had assigned it to him prior to her death she was always acknowledged and was buried publicly as his wife air produced the license and certificate of marriage in which it was written that the marriage was between charlotta newman and geo D collins collins said he had signed the application tor a license before it was filled out and left a client james aulca hey since deceased to get it and give it to aglea newman the name of charlotta collins in the marriage certificate was also a mistake he denied it was in his hand writing and said it mr groom court clerk had so sworn he was mistaken the testimony of thomas curran and win newman as to the wedding with charlotta newman waa absolutely false curran did not know whom he marra ihrl mawman waa being eager to do anything criminal mean or diabolical to further the conspiracy against hug colllns further stated that the deposition of charlotta colllns who he said had no right to style herself was false the three children in her custody were the children of her sister agnes the issue of her marriage with him he had not sent any money to provide for them but would look alter them as soon as he was treed from the conspiracy launched at san francasco which now engulfed him mr haggins will continue the cross examination ol 01 callins RUSSIA AGREES TO THREE OF JAPANS ARTICLES crisis may come today when section relating to sakhalin Sak halin may be reached unless consideration be postponed portsmouth N H aug 14 although very raold progress was made with the peace negotiations today three of the twelve articles which constitute the japanese conditions of peace having been agreed to by M watte and baron on behala of russia neither of the two articles to which M watte in his reply re turned an absolute negative was reached the crisis therefore is still to come it may be reached tomorrow as the cession of sakhalin Sak halin comes fifth in the list the three articles as officially designated in the brief communication muni cation authorized to be given to the press were disposed of today are in substance as follows first dussias Rus sias recognition 0 japans preponderating influence and special position in korea which russia henceforth agrees Is outside of her sphere of influence japan binding herself to recognize the suzerainty of the reigning family but with the right to give advice and assistance to improve tho civil administration of the empire second mutual obligation to evacuate manchuria each to surrender all privileges in that province mutual obligation to respect the terri integrity of china and to main tain the principal of equal opportunity for the commerce and industry of all nations in that province open door third the cession to china of the chinese eastern railway from harbin southward there was never any question about the acceptance on the part of M watte of these artl clee the first two covering in more emphatic form the contention of japan la the diplomatic struggle which preceded hostilities the cession 0 the railroad the building of which cost russia an immense sum estimated by somo at between and la to go to china japan and china therefore arranged between themselves the method by which tho former is to bo remunerated and through this financial operation japan might have a very considerable portion of ihor claim for the expenses of the war liquidated the railway is os tho properly of the russian chinese bank although built by government money advanced through aba banks and since its completion oper atad managed and protected by the russian government japan cannot take the railroad herself to place herself in dussias Rus sias shoes regarding the railroad would be militarily to control tha destinies of the three provinces of manchuria which she has promised to return to china but japan is en titled tb reimbursement for the ex to which she has been put in restoring the railroad below the present position of army rebuilding the bridges and narrowing ho guage it china could not find the money some ather power or powers road would become might do so and the hypothecated ted to the powers i which advanced the money aa other chinese roada are to those who advanced the money lor their construction himself who organized it was M witte the russo chanese bank tn 1895 and who has always been considered the real organizer of the chinese eastern company mr the attorney of the russo chanese bank which owns practically all it riot all of the shares of the road Is attached to the russian mission both sessions of the conference today are described as amicable there was several slight jars between them none of them being serious the plen are showing admirable tempers the change in the weather may be partially responsible for the serenity manifested at the conference table but it would be probably 00 oo much to say that the fate of such a gigantic negotiation had been affected of temperature and a by a high degree few thousand mosquitos tomorrow in the ordinary proceedings the first stumbling block to a treaty ot peace should be reached as after port arthur and the leases of liao tung which are included in article tour and which M witte is undoubtedly prepared with slight modi to accept comes article anve the cession ot sakhalin Sak halin but it is certain that bhea this by no means obstacle is reached it will not be postponed until all the articles on which agreement Is easy or possible are dis posed of it this course la buu the associated pres has high authority for the opinion that il will be it wilt indicate a disposition to put off the real struggle to the very last and that longer the conference endures the brighter the prospects of a treaty are likely to become every day they sit said a very high authority increases the chances otreace ot peace mr sato told the associated press tonight that he came to portsmouth hopeful of a successful issue of the negotiations and nothing had occurred to alter his optimism the language of the three articles adopted today will form practically the text of the treaty ot washington it one Is signed subject of course to a final revision each side has agreed to the articles and they are added in the protocols of each days session which are officially signed by the plenipotentiaries the next morning in addition to the minutes kept by each side there is an record of the discussion cus sion giving the arguments made on each side on every point which are dally attested so that when the conference Is ended the record of the proceedings will be complete of course the agreement article by article does not bind either russia or japan until a final agreement la reached and the treaty la signed it Is however significant that mr sato while stating that it he did not speak officially gave as his opinion that each power bad now bound itself to the articles agreed to in the of the second article covering the evacuation of manchuria it Is positively stated russia won a victory baron komu ra so it Is declared wanted to the obligation to evacuate manchuria and to surrender special privileges the province to russia whereas mr watte contended that the obligation for evacuation and the surrender of special privileges should be mutual and that the evacuation ot tha troops should take place concurrently mr watte Is said to have contended that he was defending not only the interests oe russia but of all the neutral powers on the other hand the japanese claim they did not resist the demand for simultaneous evacuation by the troops of both countries but the distinct tone of the strong stipulations remain in the preservation of the territorial integrity of china A japanese authority said to the associated press tonight the integrity of china is assured if the treaty of washington is signed as japan has insisted that this point be set forth in language that can neither be evaded or misunderstood japans attitude has already been in line with the hay doctrine and will find a more vigorous expression in the treaty of washington it is also declared on behalf of japan that she only aaker that manchuria remain for a certain period under japanese control only enough time is desired to enable the armies of japan to evacuate the province and by the time this evacuation is accomplished complis hed it is expected china will have established the necessary tern of courts and win be in a position to maintain order throughout the province the japanese are not swerving from their policy of secrecy regarding the negotiations within the last few days the strongest pressure has been brought to bear on baron komura and mr takahara lra to modify their decision but to no effect the japanese reply to all such arguments la that having entered into this agreement at the suggestion of russia it ia not tor japan to break it off the subject has never been seriously talked of said the informant of the associated press 1 I do not aay that baron komura and mr takahara lra should change their bons even should mr watte present the official protest ot which he says BO much but the 0 such a protest was at any rate given an opportunity port unity for serious discussion to the suggestion that american public opinion might be alienated by the japanese policy of silence in the face of the publicly expressed wish of the russians for publicity the reply Is made we do not seek to obtain public sympathy by such methods american friendship it it be sincere as we believe it Is will not be overturned by the fact that japan after a solemn compact entered into with russia refused in pursuance of all international precedent to make public the negotiations tiati ons now in progress until some agreement shall have been arrived at so far from losing friendship in this county we believe the japanese plen will gain them by the solid way by which we follow this course tho privileges enjoyed by russia in manchuria the retrocession of which is provided for in article two include many concessions none 0 which are however said to have great importance the principal being the mining rights in aba province of he ahlung kian CANADIAN PACIFIC DIVIDEND montreal aug 14 at a meeting of the directors of the canadian pacific railroad company today a dividend of two per cent on the preferred stock and of 3 per cent on the common tor the halt year ended juno was declared tho grosa earnings for the fiscal year ended june were the working expenses were as leaving net earnings of 15 |