Show CLEAR WATER NAVIGATION War Departments Reply to Governor McCounells llequest Boise Ida Aug 3180me time ago Governor AlcConnell sent a communication communi-cation to the Secretary of War uiglng the necessity of opening and Improving Clear Wilter river und asking that an engineer of the Uov eminent bo sent out to mulce the preliminary surveys The Goveinor pointed out that a large l amount of land would soon be thrown open to settlement by the opening of the Nez Perce reservation and that the Clear Water was the only means of conveying produce to market from a large section also that unless It were made navigable the cost of ta king pioduce to market would eat up the profits Yesterday the Governor received u reply from Secretary La mont inclosing the Governors letter with the fulluwliiK indorsement of the acting engineer of the department liy the terms of the river and har bor act of August 17 WSJ the exam ination within requested Is piohlblted Section 13 of that act provides That no preliminary examinations survey project or estimate for new work other than those designated In this act shall be made |