Show Art in its llelation to Anatomy Professor Anderson in a recent Lon drn address as abstracted in the Lancet Lan-cet said that anatomy qvved a heavy debt to art although he might also say that art owed an almost equal one to anatomy But before anatomy was I studied as a scleme the great masters of Greek sculpture without any aid from dissection produced works which were masteipieces of artistic beauty and anatomical corectness although while sculpture hud advanced to such a pitch medicine and surgery were still In a purely empyrical stage The lecturer passed on to consider the decline de-cline of classical leainlng and art and after mentioning the medieval treatises on anatomy which were Illustrated in a way from dissections of the lower animals an-imals came to times when anatomists employed the great artists to Illustrate their works Leonardl da Vinci executed exe-cuted a series of anatomical drawings for his own Improvement The work of lierengoilus was touched upon and then came the Immortal work of Vesa llus Illustrated by a pupil of Titian Professor Anderson then mentioned the anatomical works of the seventeenth century in the illustrations to which anatomical correctness was subordinated subordina-ted to the debased art of the day The ilguies were represented in various affected af-fected attitudes standing on pedestals pseudoItalian landscapes holding aside their skin or muscles to show the Internal organs Salt Lake City June 15 1S95 I have had thu opportunity tho past IAW weeks of seeing the nigle Liquor At Tobacco To-bacco Cure ndmlMlHterecl to one of thin worst cusoa of alcoholism that 1 have ever Been The patient IH an exKcely graduate nocalled and was in an extremely ex-tremely bad condition both physically and mentally 1 have always been skeptical I skepti-cal of tho nocalled cures for liquor and other habits but I must acknowledge that in this case its success lias surprised me very much When a man who has been In the habit of drinking a quart of whlsty a day and smoking from three tu live packages of cigarettes under ten days trcttnmnt absolutely refuses either and when at the nine also returns to healthy appetite and a regular amount of nleup without any other medicine or remedy rem-edy exrcpt that uf tho Kugie Liquor Cure I am willing to acknowledge that it U a success arid 1 am willing to endorse the same 11 S HICKS M U Ko 10 W 2nd South Salt Lake City Florence Nightingale who Is now an invalid recently completed the 07th year of her life to |