Show MRS WYNFORD PHilliPS Mrs Wynfoid Phillips society roman ro-man orator amid leader ot the womans suffrage cause In London Is widely known and much loved In England The suffinge movement Is raining ground dally in England and the best women In time laud art its supporters Mis Phillips Is a slight woman veiy beautiful with earnest eves und strong features As a girl bride Just after m To tor 1tfii 2 > Ytr r 10 t cA t J f jfflfj1t T V I I Y f > 1 I J rv f W > S c > rt1 oj Mrs Wfniord Phillips her husband John Wynford Phillips had been elected to tho House of Commons Com-mons Mrs Phillips made her advent In politics and scarcely a week paisei that she does not address some society She is an ideal wife and mother Her two children are handsome darkeyed boys Her London home Is very beautiful beau-tiful but she prefers their wild picturesque pic-turesque mountain chalet In Switzerland Switzer-land where the family usually passes the summer |