Show LEGAL MATTER The jury In the cued before Justice DeMoisy of J W Scott TP Provo City brought in a verdict Friday night of 150 damages against the city That makes 1150 damages awarded because ot a hole In a culveJt ti 1000 having boen obtained by judgement in the District ourt In default of bonds Charles Drandt was on Tuesday afternoon locked up in te county Jail at ProTo to await the action cf the grand jnry on the heinous charge of rape He was committed by Justice Baruot ot Payson and is accused ot having committed raps on Emma C Francom a girl only nine years old In the case of Springvllle vs Jim Me Anley in which Guy Mntson was complaining com-plaining vrltness the deiendnut was found guilty last Monday and sentence set for nxt day McAuley In the meantime mean-time being left to pn on his own recognizance recog-nizance When culled for sentence he wits non cat and now Springvillo Is re jolting at tbo probable loss ot a 1 most troublesome citizen Independent |