Show INGALLS URGES REFORMS People Are to Blame for Many of i the Evils Topeka Kan Sept 3At the Labor day celebration In this city exSenator John T Ingalls spoke from the same Platform with J U Burton who Is now looked upon as Ingallss principal opponent oppo-nent In the race for the United States Senatorshlp Their appearance was regarded re-garded as the opening of the Senatorial Senato-rial campaign The Senator says openly open-ly that he Is a candidate for his old seat In the Senate lIe Is taking a stand In favor of silver In all his speeches After speaking in a general way on labor topics Senator Ingalls turned his attention to theJastjCongress He said If It were > aiCongress Inadequate In competenC Insincere hostile to the best Interests of this country It was not the fault of Congress so much as It was of the constituents that sent them there Turning to the charges that seats were bought In the United States Senate Sen-ate he laid the blame at the same door tbose who elected the Senators He said There Is one remedy Abolish the present antiquated clumsy super fluous and detrimental method of choosing Senators by Legislatures and let them be elected by a direct vote of the people of the State as they ought to be elected This statement was loudly cheered Ingalls went a step further and said that the only way to purify this Government Gov-ernment was to trust the people and he even favored the election of President Presi-dent and VicePresident by a direct vote He roundly scored the Standard Oil company and various trusts He thought labor had a right to combine and spoke strongly against Indiscriminate Indiscrimi-nate Immigration He closed by urging the workingman to remember that the redress of his wrongs Is in his own hands |