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Show 9. THE WEATHER Editorial Department. f ladiaea Editor's Popular sod prasflsal Invention, , . Forecasting the weather, from meteorological observations, Hie original conception of Gen. Hasen, U. 8. A., baa grown to be a very practical system, oi great importance and value, especially to sgricolturiala and produce dealers. Of recent years the utility of this system has been greatly broadened and increased by the adoption of a code of steam whistle signals for ths morr general dissemination of the weather JUk C. IYIN8, Editor. JL, VIOTOR NAPOLEOM, Wh Him. rhrtr cAmb waa OwmUi the HmI M HI if I Jsromo Frodorlo Nw bon July 18, 1868, and ia aoa of Prlnee Napoleon and of tha Princess Clotilda. Hawu educated .at tha Ljaaa Charlemagne in Puis, and after having dona a twelve months' volunteer aarvies In the' Thirty-sevent- h at Orleana returned to tha njaant residence only to quarrel paternal with ha father and to head a Bona fivttat party of hia own. Thaaeoeasion eak place after the death of the prince Prince Napoleon tapwial in 1876, when frydr the poaition of head of tha house of Bonaparte. Tha claim waa diapated bjr 1L Paul de Caaaagnae and aeveral other imperial iata who put forward tha young Prinoe Victor aa hiafathera rival r It waa understood at the time that Vlo-towaa nominated in the prince imperial will aa hia aucceaaor. When the oxpulaion lull of 1886 became a law, Maee Viator took up hia resilience in FRAGRANT CURRENT COM BENT. SERVICE. r u VANITY FAIR Ths RipubHeafl' State ticket starts out ndly handicapped it marts the. approval of Buffalo Wm. Glaimann. ' CIGARETTES the free ' silver agitation Is absldlng. This Is another ease where Is well not lo ratify before tho retarne are ell in. J ' M.8TULL, Attorney at Low. Two doora I They say AHCEL COKNABY, Notary Public. 1 money lojcndsd on Spanish Fork should parehase a atreet sprinkler or petition the wrather elerk !u and leas wind for next for mors Mason." The present state of affaire Is extremity dnstv to say the least. Improwed SAIXr Farm. VI1B WaUKANCZ at rcrid'uee, one Bk. peat of Otfiso 0-o- ,. Spanish Fork, Utah. Am E DUIUBWTME discussion of their leeordi and merits. Hr nee tha dark horse. NIAS B- FINEST Polities parties will do well to rememthat a very large and populoni section of Utah lays aonlh of Salt Lake, and that a representative from that aeetlon hare and there on the tlrkate would do modi to promote - a harmonious feeling. Meets Mspletoi tnd City Trains. THESE CIGARETTES TfTi - Hack Line TVRKlSrt TOKO? b THE HIGHEST SKILLED workmen employed w making VlRQI ber Fair Client I want to get a divorce LONDON COMPANY. TLe Republican oonventlon In turning down Crane and Thomas refnwd to en dnrss men whose candidacy had provoked an early and mneh too parfeular Buttle loot Grounds. UTAH. SPANISH FORK, -- Mrs. St Clue (visiting her son at Harvard) Who is that coarse, horriblelooking female over your mantel? Mr. St Clue, Jr. Oh, thate a little thing Orandma Niles sent me. I believe she said it was you when you were a little girl Judge. with if Rorkhlll Hotel . . Ws5Kimball60 Successor Americdnlob&cGO G nix BFAK18S FOBS, from my husband. Chicago Attorney On what grounds? - JOE X AUU romiTTHX. Fair Client Well, we were married ' For G A B Enoamparat stLouiiville FOR Chicago Attorney Thats all that Auld of invention John necessary. Ill send you the decree C. forecasts, tho The fact that Salt Lake got only alx Kentecky, Sept. 11 to IS, tbeUnlon and Forsythe, a practical meteorologist, PaclHe will make a rate of (13 for the 0. D. Puck. the observer for the weather bureau at of tho nine plaeee cn the Republican round trip from Spanish Fork. Tieksts Aa Unknown Family. ticket Is evidence of the reprehensible oi sale Seymour, Ind. Bpt. 8. 7, and 8, and will be limLittle Boy I think its a rcglar Go Born near Zanesville, 0., in 1884, he neglect ou the part of some of her mana- ited for contlnnons passage In eaeh dinhnma. We seem to be just nobodies. received a liberal education. His early gers, or else pf a ease of dilated gall. rection and will not be good for mini Mother-- Why, what' the matter? were devoted to teaching and Sept. 14; final return limit, M. Mickelflon, AJfgr, tho people will fence it prior to1805. Little Boy Ive got one papa, an two iterature. Hia military service be gar TakajOuABith; Oet.fi, not an' four nnclee, an' with the march of the army of in' big brother, Of btsimt ti taiim-one of 'em ia a champion anything. to Utah in 1857. Later he saw aerv: ire of a community ere all mere 10.CREIB, Good New. with the union arms during the InsurBO o&er apology ta placing before yen one another in tbs iambs' savb raoTBOCoa," It Is abso-upon enof war dependant ha close the the rection. At a Manly Saving Depoalb MONEY LOXNEP and for twelve years their verlone ways of gaining a liveli- lately reliable, easily adjusted,' doe not beMabel Onorge ia awfully good to tered journalism, editor of hood. Tbla faet should be taken Into come mlaplecd and In are protection. Caa ON IMPIOTXD PARKS A NliSONABIS ha the been has managing so many presents. you, giving you be wont when desired without observation or Seymour Democrat. As a polit- consideration when needs ere to be BATES. Clara I don't know whether he ia ox the of BBotbor sod p revest disagreeable national has ical he writer gained not. After our engagement is broken dealer always given kaowldge tho loeal BPANISI YOU, UTAH, condition. If you nee uador certala arson foswdul arraignment 11 It lea off I suppose hell want them all back celebrity by hia tha preference, everything else being om It onse you will Bvr be without thr which into " hors the of abases crept faithful again. Chicago News Record. needed equal. pension system. I Ths Una and tbs Naught, ready tor Immediate uaa It la simple to use It. CHIEF OF BIX NATIONS, . CltlMDe should romemter that there j andiniplrrs ooofldenee in the woman using i that pretty heireaa with her ad and srienttflcally made, Insures It is reliablewithout mirera. Wealth is completely typified Harriet Maxwell Convene roeaaeaoe Haw Is no reason why a man who Is net as to healtb, any injury protection there. physician would say. We an of the opinin tho management of hts own rood ore of a High Ckaraotcr. ion that no article bas ever been made which How?" tba women of There are few people even in bnsiaeM waull bs any xore eolfm-trnats- d will slvc u much satisfaction to MOTBOTOB". SAVB SS THB LA DIBS' It's a cane of a good figure with New York whovery with that of a community or of a tods know that one woman ie a eubetan-tla- l immense this article of sales 'ong string of ciphers after it Judge who moves prominently among them in commonwealth. Good business men are The ladoncment of our claim. Do not thereunnumerous experiment with any of the society is a chief of six nation of Indi- specially needed in tho administration fore reliable articles, aa It I both dangerous to tho Maxans. This woman is Mrs. Harriet Thi Hiaild one year, $200. heelth end expenaivo to do a. Such experiof local zffslra menting can only result in loss of time; dlsap well Converse, daughter of Thom si potntment and dismal failure. Lidies should Elmira. She is of Maxwell prominent n member this before ordering other goods and A Modern Cook rd xtr pauback about bs Dont not waste their time and money on Inferior litin art circles, a shining light among giving A New York gentleman hired a cook Tan Heirs. The bee, is always cheapost. and an active club woman. city to the fact that your owk toe n arAn erary people pnoTKcrou " is sold under a positivebecause her recom:nondai.ijns were wlthfalldlreo1804 Mrs. Maxwell's father, for use In for ferona acme yaar respects I guarantee pesailSM advantages in good, and moreover she asserted thal some act of tlona and la sent sealed in plain wrapper upon bravery, was admitted into nut all ethora, 0 .her tcvns yill look I receipt of express money order fur t&09, three she hud cooked for a gentleman wk;st the Deer , SmK-aasof the clan and later for H. Do not wait but order at onee. AJdreis 'Interest out la ones for end celebrated. Mach to table the tbsBselvei, good The Ls Crosse Special ty Ca, Ls Crowe, Wls. his was Invited to attend tha disgast of her employer, her cooking deathdaughter .Had by council held in Buffalo at the re- should be in oai'i own place. Blow yow i was simply horrible, so ho called her interment of the remains of Bed Jacket own horn; don't expect that yonr neighWM. JOHNSON. into his presence and said: and five chiefs of the Iroquois. Thin bor will attend to it end Lis own also. I Utah Utah county I liirod when Territory, told Bridget, you you f Bpenlah Fork City, me that yua were qualified as a cook, Fork City, In Justloe the b Court, Spanish two Is hlntod of It that tha leaden the and that you had been a cook at the fore John p. Jonea, have on national villa psrt-aeHudson. in the B. greet L. Wm. David Malcolm and parties Bondclipper politiei Hughes, and doing huaiseM under the name and And so I was,eor; I cooked the turnips deelded to side-tractha of Malcolm A Hughes, Plaintiffs, vs. gDWABD WOODS style for the pigs in a big boiler, sor. Texas George H. Babcock, Defendant. Issisetf tariff and sonnl money and .. & g Sifting. George H. Babcock, Greeting fhexTyear'wlll traval toward! thi Ids ToYon hereby nummoned to be and appear of November limply on their records. before arc Why Named. me the unden, lgnrf at my once in Span-- I Fork Ultv, Utah County, Utah Territory, lo Trivial circumstance; give names to Meets all Portions of their records will need care- ish answer a eomplaint against you filed herein by children. A gallant Irish soldier was ful repairing and a lot of fresh paint aid plaintiffs within nv days if this summons the father of ls served on you within Spanish Fork City, IBATl 0S9BM AI TIN I0TACK BOVU. girls, named respecbefore the trip eomurncee. within ten dan if served on you outside of said tively Jane end Phoebe. ish Forik City but within the County of I r Some o.ic uked him why ho had se, and w lays if served I I lected the latter name, and he replied brought to recover I The waterworks quelled will eome np from rhere. sum enm being of the the said MtIO, yon Well sovr, ye Bee onr eldest a balance due on an account for goods sold iana AU ANIMALS Fai k before and in Spaulsh , LIFT IN XY CAIN WILL JK many year. delivered at your instance and request at Spanborn in January, so we culled her Jane it might be well to do a liule privet ish Pork City. Utah County. And you are here-PXOPBLY A1I1ND1D . and the other was bora ia February by ao tilled that If you fail to so appear and so we just called har Fayb!" ihlLklug on the subject pending its or answer as above required the plaintiff will take Edward WoidS, Manager. against you for tna sum of ItilAO and rival, l'hls etty is destined to grow and Judgment The story would b brttcr still il Interest thereon at the rate of I per cent, per I BABBIXT IfASWKX OONTXBO. I there hod been a third daughter, born become great and 'tho present tnpply ot annum and ooete of suit Gtvau under my hand this 91th dsv of August, In March and named, of course, Marcia. eersmony was under the auspices of ths warier will mou bo lonnd as Inadequate A. D, 1886. josh P. Jonse, Buffalo of Historical token In Justice of the Pence. society. Is os for other It now ss a proTHE A Ead Cote. purposes Wm. B. Hughes, Atterncy. Poor man! exclaimed the warm- the Indian friendship for her she wu tection against fire. Don't Jot's walk In adopted into tho tallieud of the hearted woman of the house, impulsive- Immediately thereafter w procession, Denver & Rio a What hrs reduced you to this pit tits family of the chief ly. nave no eprlnklsr to ley tho dost. M Bed descendant of Jacket. table condition? CD by From the time I was adopted until Grief, nuam," replied the hollow-eye- d with ths Did Tea Bead Itf Railway. the said Mrs. Converse to present day," tourist, wiping the jolly and bread Capital city a have I The Capital City Commercial college reporter recently, zealously crumbs from his month with hia coat Commbcial Collide sleevo and beginning on the pie. Grief! watched over their rights and interests, uas a cud in tils paper offering iutruc aud summoned to when to not numbur Dm a of Our Colltgt hub lies Adoertis Scenic Line of the World. Tt ago persons. t long I am the only man in Kansas that We will give s thorough course of In-- ! wasn't mentioned for the senatorship, appear before them et their government jou nod It? roaaaaca CHaaeiacwnaeea Direction ia double and single entry council house in Allegheny, ea a rema'am. g end commercial ArithChicago Tribune. Ths two lies only thronck i At rnonlng ward, I waa taken into the Senes nametic by mail, ttm d (hire to limitPAUL JONES' FLAG.' ed number of persons. This course Trains dslly ts tion and given the name of No ct U;;l lei. will be completed In 40 lessons, No Our Watcher.' I woe then as- One ot the Host Interesting Belles la the Meddling Ihipa Milliccnt, I wish you charge for diplomas. Address t j LEADYILLB, ASPRN, FUBBLO, United Btetoe. would show a little more encourage signed to a rightful place in the counCOLORADO SPRINGS sad D1NVRR ment to young Ilorriuha whan he comet cils of the Seneca Indians. The Sene-1- , The flag of Paul Jones, which floated CAPITAL Commercial to see you. JIo ia well off, he husn yon know, ere subject to the over the Bonhomme Richard in her p. Drawer b bad habits and I consider him a perfect authority of the Onondagas, because .historic fight with the British frigate Topeka, Kan. Train No. 2 1 tarts Ogisi a. m., the Onondaga have been the lew Serapia off the English coast, Septemly square man. Salt Lake a. m., srrlrs at Pasllo Miss Milliccnt (with a feeble attempt makers of the Iroquois from the tradi- ber S. 1778, was hoisted at noon, April 0:18 a. m., Colorado Bprlocs 741 a. to suppress a yawn) I suppose he is tional beginning of the league. Lately 85, on a pole one hundred and thirty-fivDenver 1040 a. a. wee called before the Onondagas at feet long, planted on the highlands papa. I have often noticed that he is Trala No. 4 leaves Ogden 645 p, m., their reservation near Syracuse end of Nsvesink, N. J. It was sainted with Salt Lake 7:40 p. m., arrlTsat Paobl very angular. Chicago Tribune. there received the distinguished title of twenty-on- e 647 p. m., Colorado Borings 643 p. m., guns by the monitor Ni'lihrr. honorary member of the six nations. Djnrir 8:25 p. m. as the old flag was run np ny Mrs. Grayne James, do women ever Cunuieilons msdo at Paeblo, Colors The apartment that Mrs Converse .the enthusiastic people on shore. Tba ' speculate in corn and su-- h things? Springs and Denver with all links sat! calls her den In her handsome New Mr. Groynes (of the ChLago board oi York house is a most ;1 Chair Day Ccueheg, Can Klgant n interesting musePullman Slerpora on all trains. Th trade) Sometimes, through agents. um. The walls are covered with Indi& D B the hSTS and a 0 eomtortsbta ui If I was an operator, James that' an relics and the cases are filled with sod injoy ths flaiat lesurv on tho cat -what you call it, isn't it? would I be all kinds of curios. Of the two hundred TartlaXblo lm OJZoa, School, and Homo tinent one or the other of those dreadful bulls brooches owned by her, one is a Xuw Tom Cover to Cover badge Shortest lino to Cripple Critk, Cels-redor bears? .of the secret medicine society and is ths Greatest Gold Camp. fuosafsorqftt "No, my dear. You'd be a pudding." only one of its kind now in existence. I'ssMiljri.11 Tribune. 8. HUGHES Chicago S. K. HOOPER It contains sixteen symbols, all known Standard of ths Tiiffle Mgr. to the members of this society; is hamV. B. Gov't Mat G.P. JtT.i. Glvl.-i- j Than Their Bights. Ing Offlca, tha U. S. Dsnvir, Colorado. I notice in the paper, said Mrs mered tooutbeof the native silver, and sap F.uprama Court, sad of nearly all the very ancient Un one end posed Barrack, pouring out Mr. Barracks' of B. F. NEMN3, General fichoollKiuka. her desk hangs a tobacco pouch and Agent. coffee, that a clergyman says the kuifs Salt Lake City, Utah. comonce scabbard that Warmly to belonged women should be permitted to whistle. Stale manded by PAUL JONES' VLAS. H. M. GUSHING, T.P, A. Bed Jacket They are mode of buck Superintendents Yes, retorted Mr. Barracks, agreeof Salt Lake City, Utah. Schools, and with sewed akin and deerskin sinew. is He is right We should surely flag the property of Mrs. 8. B. Stafother Educators alably. most without numnot deny to women a privilege we ic- ford, of Cottage City, Mass., who partber. ed with it temporarily to allow its use rd to tugboats and locomotives. THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY Globe. Boston on the arrival of the fleet of American xcauss and at Hook. Is It foreign to ships Sandy find tho word wanted. easy No llU-TStatius. Ww4 an Rivmdntrenmet alphabetical sleMi The flag was designed from WashVice Is a real toboggan slid; coatrof-arm- s and made under ington's It' easy at the ton (MrBulA," the direction of one John Brown by ! It Is easy te ascertain the prenunrietlen. But, venture on little ride, You're wry, very apt to tilde the Misses Mary and Sarah Austin in Clear to lb foot kerflop. COPYRIGHTS. 1777 in Philadelphia. The (aught la Uw paSba Nixon Waterman, la Chic ago Hail JKjifcuae auucoa tar was used by direction of Gen. K I assy to trace the Her Brother Testllles. growth of a word. Washington. The flag was first carried Mr. Niacfcllo (playfully) Jones on small a vessel on the What by CapL gjvva In the muniLwimtSiitouiiwS (' j ggwjg wmewakm Kteeie ead he makes your ears so big? Schuylkill river. In the engagement Suiaii Terror Sis pulls 'em like between the Bonhomme Richard and It le easy to learn whet a weid mcaca. S' Che Serapia the mast from which was every thing every time I toll on 'er. Good News. down the flag was shot away, carrying 01(1 Glory with it. Lieut. James B. O.AC. UBXaiASt CO., PnhHmhm r. Tba Cat Direct. Stafford, father of the present owner For jrenr. he vns wall known to me, SprlngSeM, Moan., V. 8. A. of the flag, plunged overboard, secured Bo llio phyblritia (idly said, " But now, called to Ms tut'ipsy, - sretee appUeafton. ft"the flag and nailed it to another mast H nrDenotbnyrhaapispitaiiataacIsnt ri I au obliged lo cut him dead. The nail-holare plainly shown in tho Droolclvs Ltfo dag MONUMENTS to anp-plled.- rsorcx victob napoleon. Brussels, whence he occasionally iaauea At Prince Napoleon' manifestos. death in 1801 he left his entire fortune to his aeoond aon, Prince Louis, but at a family council, held at Moncall eri in April Prince Louis declared that he would not accept the financial arrangements made by hia father's will in hia favor and to the. detriment of hia brother and Mater (the dnehesa of ata), and formally acknawledeged Victor as head of tha house of Bonaparte. What number would Prince Victor put after his name of Napoleon in the remote contingency of hia ascending the throne? The great majority incline to the opinion that he could call hmself Kapolaon VI., the prince Imperial and hia father being the fourth and fifth, but it ia alao argued that his proper ..title would be Napoleon VIII., for tha following reasons: The great Napoleon and Ida eon, the king of Borne, were first and aeoond, but when the last emperor took the third place he overlooked the fact that hia uncle and his own father, Louis, king of Holland, had held the positions of heads ot ns Bonaparte family so the emperor i really Napoleon V. This waa the view taken by Prince Metternich, who eontended that, if the emperor had been consistent, he would have assumed this title as a matter of fact However, Prince Metternich contended that in the presidency of the republic In 1848 Napoleon virtually admitted that hie dynnstic claima were worthless. Ths prince therefore argued that instead of reviving the old empire in 1853, Napo laon founded a new one. Some time before Napoleon had issued his first proclamation, and there were three notes of awdamation after his name, which the people mistook for Bom an figures. "Vive Napoleon Troia! 1" they began to cry, and the affair was regarded as being of such happy omen that the hint was taken and the emperor called himself the third Napoleon. But generally speaking, history in England, for instance, pays no attention to pretenders or claimants who have not eetoally occupied the throne. 1 rl Eebsrt aad George the Fourth. The king was accustomed to comment upon the drese of Sir Bobert Peel whose clothes never fitted him. Sidney Smith accordingly represented the minister, when on a visit to the Bright-bPavilion, as being called out of his bed ip fhe middle of the night to attend to his majesty in what the king supposed to be his last moments his dinner having disagreed with him in an alarming manner. Peel was much affected, and the king, after a few short words, which hs could scarcely utter, n said: "Go, my dear Peel God bless you! I ball never see you again! And as Peel turned to leave the room he added faintly: .'Who made that dressingLgown, my dear Peel? It seta very badly behind. God bless you, my dear fellow! Never Yankee employ that tailor again! Blade. sue-neas- Summon. h b b b I n tlme-honor- k ad HA.OK:LIKrH3. trains. o t Yeterinary Surgeon, v.-- a 1 u a, Grande niuuiiniimAiiU4Mi EC rnCln Course Mali ... a mmvvKaTTHTnaHmii 8.-0-5 70 t, e Mian-tonom- Webster International IMdiionary os i. ' Origin of a Famous HymaT I It la well known that the hymn Hold the Fort was inspired by the story of the signals exchanged by Gens. Sherman and Corse when the latter was besieged at Allatoona, Go., but few know how the idea was brought to Mr. Moody's mind. The Boston Globe says that once when Gen. and Mrs. Corse lived in Chicago Mr. Moody called. While there he took np a book that told the story of that famous conflict ia which Corse had been so badly wounded, and, seeing the message from Gen. Sherman, Hold the fortl for I am coming! exclaimed, enthusiastically: What a magnificent motto that would be for a marching song for the army of Christ! And the day after the famous hymn was written, beginning with Hold the fort, for I am coming, Jesus signals still, a hymn that has been sang in almost every hamlet on the continent and whose strains across tht ocean have become familiar to the ears of men who never heard of Gen. Corse or the beleaguered men at Allatoona. aj SEtMEwBe five-point- ggasvsaBiiaaa TISSraE 11 es to-da- y. abX |