Show BLOW TO BIMETALISM London Times on the Effect of Bal fours Statement London Sept 2An editorial In the Times this morning comments upon the grave blow which Mr A J Balfours statement Is to the hopes of the German Ger-man and American blmetnllsts Ml Balfour It will be remembered stated In the House of Commons that he did not believe that an International hi metallic conference would result in ana an-a reement on a ratio The Times says The American bl metallsts are made of sterner stuff than the Germans and will therefore continue to agitate but It Is less likely than evel that they will carry the country with them There seems no chance that either political party wll allow Itself to full under the sway of I time sliver men The recent publicity of the alms of the bimetallic party here has been a revelation and a warning Wo trust tho trade revival now In progress will complete the cure and I that we shall hear less and less about blmetallsm from ony quarter 1 |