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Show m- - BZbrajljID. Ti-t- Fork is guing to make a record among SPANISH the boat of 'em when it conics to quantity and quality ah'pped. . Wm. F. Gibson, Editor, "W" iltl.X.a.im FORjfS INDUSTRIES JEXdC SOISTS, Lumber, Lath. Doors, sash etc. elj number of Spring villa bloods ware with hi pipsr it Ij alwi Live, honor AU aud olii. ail aud ewnf jrt speeding llieir fast horeea on Spanish of the Best Broom on the Market. .tji tbs town sv- a .o i;s paper gees Into it avenues last Sunday evening. Fork's at htUtM araiy Friday lloralag Bpnlk Subaerlptloii pall in ndts: e hlosrjm All kinds of Produce handled in They probably onjriyed the dust at Fork, Vtak. iato breezy Imli arid qiLtr.rr lesson. much as the regular denizens of those bualuM housss of this c y is the Spau- forth edlur eoluv bring isb Fork braurh of ths Silt Lake loose Isle on the urw water works and ths at Bpanlah Pork, region. Eatarad at the wonderful gro vth and enterprlee. matter. t Utah, aa of the Consolidated C. fit's townll To tender the paper g eneroua euppsit Tbs IIirald mau started out this establishment is the headquarters cf tbs to InviU eapitsl to withhold ltt-- . n lrlb week with the Intention or writing company's machinery business In Utah to poverty". Bio Grande Western B- - B. un all tbe business houses otfipanlab eon my. sod Is under ths insnsgomeut The lire town will tare a lre paper; niter-lio- n Mr. Keplil lls'ieen. and if it lice anything worthy Pullman Blaaoara and Buffet Fork. lie soou diaeooered that It was of The branch at this place wasastabi wotlJ and wants It cf tha onb-iCara on all Tkrouch Trains. too large a job for one week, so now lialird Jan. 1, 1892, by the purchase of told where it will do ths meet good. It Tima Table No. St, la affect March 1, IMS. goes at It on ibe instalment plan (like the property at the corner of Main and will put Its trues lu ths houij paper Bound Bait rests from Maura, Robert, and the home paper will do ths buaine-- e Center Pane . Mined ysu buy encyclopedias) and expects to Brockbank & Gardner. VSS Mr. J. 11. thoroughly. There are papers lu Idaho E. 8. P a. i, complete It In four or five week. was and Washington which are read Xtam the tint Cliugrr repiejenMlveof 1:00 pm Balt Lake f:eiam 'pm ths house at this place, and on May 1st, slTtly In the Kit. sad have in iprd In Wlfh 500,000 Shares, 4 l:IHam :10 pm Proro offering for sale Mr. H S'.tOpiu A literary chap In thla city who l(J2,n was eueseeded S:lSaa :SI pm Bprluprinia S:f8am ninny ways ta kuM up ths Faelfle nortV ball-ll-l:Mim tl pm SpanlahFork IT am : pm eonoeali bis the bnt n towns are In Nrw went; t present ey manager. nom prlnid ft :51am identity under tbe 100,000 Shares ot :Mpm Pajraon S:Aam t:Hpm and other Improvements have been s i led lose adri rising fmds hivs goisto 1:11 am S:0Spm Baraka l:4Sam 1:00 pm ds of B" indulges In rjimments frum plume : am outsld lt: to pm assommodste to to tiistr of Mammoth the am tbe year year ia.it publications negleet B:l0pm :S0pm on Bpaulvh Fork people and happen growing bos' nee, ths latest being a naw home 11:11am 1:10 pm RllvarClty S:lam journal. to sb wl.l a will them ana Ticket Agent, 1ngio4ast Saturdays Enquirer in eaablt granary, par F. A. W adx.hu iv. Gan. Pan, D. C.pnDOB.Gen. Mrr. lu the grain fruln The ereei MEI.iHBOaHOOJ N0Tj3. way that w.tuld gn a flpatilsu Fora tlelpate 1 S. H. Babcock, Traffic Mpr., Balt Lake Cltj be tlon of another building will the begun X. B. Hot, Agent, Spanish orK. Company newspaperman mobbid. I 'a all In the soon. Mr, llimon Is taking ljrg Mr. George T. Wrlda, f aud way we're raised, no doubt. But can quantitive of grain this fall In exchange MisaMirgnn-- t E. Poielsou,Payton, ( f (Josli 'ii, . or farm ail have a ud kinds, B" being the maelii'ieryot be were married lu lh Tempi at Salt Lake F-A.iit that Enquirer A T .TTTT! new prepared to han.11 It. The Union Pacifi0 System special l They wra glv-- a privileges? rocepilrn at the Lima of the bride's THE PEOPLE'S MEAT MARKET. THX THROUGH CAR UNI. on Friday evening. This Property is Located and Situated in the pjreute our a A. la of Our made the R. pedestrian Stalling ths proprietor b a ins Tbe men's team baseball tacti, Tim Cars In effort Ang. 18,1896 of tbe reporter of, Meet Market, a Main street I County road between ihj ilty People' .TO Tv bUHlneu bouae with a flourishing trad, this eltv went to Castilla Satnrdav at the I -- LN Tl of North Bound and Sprlngvllle, Monday forenoon. He tha of South Bound mauigRiusut thresort, established a little over a although only STATIONS Arrl.r expected to get an invitation tc ride lunitb. Mr. Starling embarked In bus intending to play a team from Srofield. CntT Whan thy arrived it was learned ti nt 4:35mn froai some fellow traveler, but the loeas In his Til 5am Salt Lake City present location on Ang. I, erraneeiueuts t:06um had Ixnn mad for a T:41am Bandy 11ns Hs 1895. of carries a full meats, S:axun travellers wsre all headed towaid Lehi Junction Se.fild-er-.snSiltam Fork temn to d P'ltt, Coant.t Uth. Thrr.1.1 plsy th and also has a nine stuck of vegetable. Spanish S:10pm American rork l:am Falklng was no new Tha bologna sausages retailed Sprlnqviile wasn't in ii.". Some 1:13pm Bpanlah Fork. Pleaaant Grora him l:Stam bj l:S0ua ProYO S:Ham so he trudged along cheered by are of boms manufacture. ofonrboya were so hot, thet,h:.dihy t:Stnm thing, t:ltam beentonehed with a wet fiugr-r- they Spanish Fork :Stam S:Tpm the ride (in anticipation) ha wiuN Payton would hvs sixs-tdaud dotluwl that BROS TACTOSY. l:kSuit. THI 10:1 Nophl desHe wsa when returning. Laav : they wout go there any more". -- Spring lt:tlipm bare ArrlTt I Most j of of ths third ths story Hpaulsh lu Abnadac :tt lArrira icaimn tined to complete the trip by band, II: Laavaf villa Indcpondent. Fork B:(!kuu Oaala large brlek buMulug Is S:0lpm 1 Mla Three S:Sbam however, as tbe travellers were then ot ladles an Sal m Slice yaneg tbs V:l0pm by Factory, occupied Ay. B:l5am 12;: MUford T:Hpm Acxays This fac- Genie Smith of Kuuks were tut bujigy 825.00 Ton. 4:00am returning, and judging from the smiles Mr. T. C. Holding, manager. Frlaeo S:t0pm DIRECTORS 22 established about years since riding last 8undi.y evenfog and nitl on their fact tkciy interview with tory wit IMi an nurorimute run been Sunday has neclleut. Mr. Holding in ths empf jj quite Tralna south of Juab dally except V. Pro., and Tr ,ohn I109' Fork business men were and of the company for nearly that length of Wfclls driving along a short distance J. Stewart, Through Pullman Palace Sleepers to Chicago Spanish Utah. I.G.1I. Park,. Xephi. UW, aide tills of without ehanne. Improred Tour nt Sleepers. pleasant, to say the least. Fork the buggy a as Spanish time. Free reclining chair ears. Elegant day eoaches. aud tbe four commencement of At upset Its accidentally young aenrlee. ear operations Fur re The only Particulars Addre operating Dining tbs factory employed eight hands and ladies were thro wii to tie ground, the Asd Fat a Beck or Top. HI IKOKTKST AMD niTMI UM 0 ALL on of Mi poutca sAbt. was bugey worth about top Its felling 13,000 thm. product only D. E. BURLEY, flen. Agent Paaaenger Dept, Bury tho eroaker out In ths woods in per year, Siucethen by tin addition of 8mitb fell nuderi pith and was irveiely JSIILD City Ticket Office, 101 Main 8L, Salt Lake City. a beautiful hols In tbs giound; where new and Improved machinery the valu Injured. The extent of her injuries Fork. W. E. LAWSON, Agent, Spanlnh P. O. 71, SpanlKli Fork. Utah, the bumble bee butnbs and the wood- of tho output has mars than doubted, were uot kuowu until she was brought B. H. H. Clahk. to this city aud examined by Dr. Foot, out a hands last pro year W. turning sight Mikk, straddle and ths Oiirn pecker packs who fonnd shonider wsa disB. Ellxbt azdiubok, Hi Is do duet reload at 811,000. Last year's pay located andthat bug straddles around. John w. Doank, tbe arm broken just below wsa roll S300i push, un good to ths eltv to Emouck R. Comdkrt, but tbs brst quality of mater- the elbow. The other girls escaped Reoelrera praeMeal, stingy and dead, hot ha want ialNothing is used in the manufacture of ihlr without spy serious li jury P.yroE E. L: LOMAX. Gan. Pass andTIeket Nebraska Amt, (I s wbols earth asd part of the Croat sud their product In a Globe, E. DICKINSON, Gan. Mr . Omaha, ,Qd tbe tK (U&t RbnB ovsr hi hud bows and gho8n, Than bnatle him eff to thaplaeeofth general line Is of a uniformly higher Primary Co&fasua Easting. dead.and bury him deep In the gronnd , grsds than any n'.lier In the Territory. Most of the factorys produet Is tsksn Tlw Conference of the Primary A o LOCAL BREVITIES. hes no me to ni here, get him cut of tb by tha different ro operative institutions way and make room for ths m&n who is In ths eounty, though a number of the eUtloLi of the inuth end of Utah county Duck shouting may legally com- sound. Exchange. IoraI dealer are also supplied. Mr. met In tho pavilllon at 10 o'clock a. m. mence on October 1st. Hulding Informed the Herald man that Saturday, Aog. 81. M.s. Cornelia H. LEGAL VATTZ22- A phonograph man was exhibiting a considerable amount of eapital could of Provo, presided, the mornbe profitably Invent'd In extending the Clayton, his machine la town, Tuesday. ing seealon eras iLroted to hearing ease In before Justice laslneea of tho faetory. The Jury (lie from tbe local societies and In Spanish Fork's delegation travelled DeMoisy of J. W. Scott ve. Provo City, glviog Instructions to officers. to Ogden yin the Union FaclOc. brought In a verdict Friday night of Ssmeerstle Primary. Iirentyioina sonUtie were represanl $150dsmaffM sgalnet the city. That A total tclipse of tbe moon took et ed, all of which were reported In a Ths Democratic primary for this makes 81150 damages awarded because condition. Id Folk place oo Tneaday evening It was! of a hols in a eulve&t, 10l)0 having been was called to order by President there are 600 ohtldren Spanish enrolled meix In obtained theDlatrlet ocuured by judgement almost exactly like that which Chisholm at the psvlllloa, Saturday eoeietlee. un the evening of May 11. These primary associations are formed Id default of bonds, Charles Brandt night. Secretary Hayes then read 'the Tbe Ladlea Democratic club went to was on Tuesday afternoon locked up lu various ealls issued and the Resembly entirely of eh ldrsn, officered end directof coarse, by grown people, end f. ir Salem, Wednesday evening, and as- fa county jail at Provo to await the got down to the bnslnese Afealeetfng ed, the pariKn-- of studying the aerlptarei to cf on aetlon the bullions ths grand jury ten delegates ths Ogden convention. end of Mated tbe' Democratic ladles of that encouraging habits of truro and charge of rap. lie was committed by The delegation ehosen ws aa follows: Children cf all deuomlustions virtue. presinct to hold a meeting. Messrs. John Jcns, John Moore, J. H. are Justice Barnet of Pay sod, and Is accused and a cordial Invitation la cnrclied, A meeting held In tbe pavilllon of having committed jsps on Emms C. Mustard, Nephl Hsneon, W. 0. Crier, W. extended to all iittl-- folks to units Chisholm W. a Peter nine old. Nellson and a was Mrs, Franeom, ; attended years girl only by very Sunday evening with it. Hntchison; Misses Clara and LodIbs In the case of Gprlngvills vs. Jim A bountiful repost was served at noon large congregation, and visitors were Jonss. In which Gay Matson was comto tbe visiting offijers and friends. . from all tne neighboring present On five motion three genalternates, ' At 2 o'clock p, m. the plaining witness, tbe defendant wsa towns. round gnllty last Monday and sentence tlemen and two ladle, were chosen, ns agsiu otl led to order and the following Mr ear. Wm. Creer, Jo. Finch program was well carrie 1 cut: Labor day was generally observed In set for next day; McAuley in the mean' follows: to go on bis own reeog SLd Wylie Thomas; Masdimes Hanuah 1. left time being most of of ibis the cltv the closing , Opening Adtlraas by Annie Ferguson of by nizsnes. When called for sentence he Hughes and Agnes Lewis. Short?. A motion to InBtrnet the delegates to business houses. A number of Span was non rst and now Sprlngvllle la re I A aoDN by e group of little girl from North Branca. Iso Fork people attended the masquer- jolclng at the probable lose of a most express certain preferences In case the by Jennie Gardner, Flint ward, question of njminstlng United Stales L1 Recitation troublesome clusen. Independent. ade ball at G a til la la the evening. Book of Mormon lecture by three boya ot onators earns up In the conveution the Fourth ward, Arthur Nelaon, Joseph ' Oo last Saturday morning a hay .. brought on a lengthy and very animated A Olsna and Henning ChrlatianHon. Roue, entitled, What waa witneaaed In the PHTEICT COURT AffAISS. dlscueeion between a number of gentletack at the place of Daniel Ohippell Heaven", by two email boya from Kitemide. men In local some prominent politics, A The Bain Bow, by a group of email girls in ths Third ward was sccid anully from tha Third ward. Della Vans has filed a suit for divorce advocating that move and others oppossee on lire by ooe of tbe little foiks la the Flrat District eourt V. Bong, entitled1 "Troat tha Children'', by a against ing it. The motion to instruct prevailed number ot boya and girle from the B sound and before It could be extinguished a Francis Vanes on the gronnd nf enrol and the delegates war directed to favor ward. Moses S Joe. L. Thstoher for Rawline and treatment and failure to Dialogue, entitled, Whet boys have done" cuuble uf tons af hay were destroyed and inhuman four rmall boya from North Branch, by United States Senate. They were ths provid. firs and water. by long, A Hymn", by a group of email girls from the Fourth ward. H. BverscH wants a divorce from his also Instructed to back King for the J. 10. -- Dialogue Dlvls fires, have charge of the work wifsN. R. Eversoll, on tho by Bare Ubbertaon ana Frank gronnd of congressional nomination, with Roberts Blmmoni of Lake Ihora. Si building n new ginnery for tns Com deoertlon. The defendant w now a real as meond choice. 11. Toatamant t zeroise, by a group of boya Chairman Moors nf the enrolling comfrom the First ward. actuated Implement Co. It is a tbnr deot of Iowa, and tbs plaintiff a resident mittee stated that that committee had 11 Questions and answers by e group of small ot Utah sonnty, gfrla from Riverside. oughly lUbslantlal stmtura and well so numerous as to found the Democrats S. 8. Jones has filed a snlt with Clark 1. Song. adapted for tho reception and storage Hsvarcamp, of the First Diatrlet eourt, try It's ability to enroll them all; he Among the visitor present were Mrs f tha various cereals now taken An against Tbos J. Seofleld, for 894, together therefore moved that eight mors ladlas and be appointed to assist In Cornell H. Clayton, President of the with Interest and costa of eonrt. alleged ths gentlemen (rads py that company. work. Appointments were mads Primary ataoclatlons of Utah couisv to bs due on a promissory note for propas followr: aud her councillors, Ur. Ells 1.. lor accordingly, Air. from Jones. erty purchased PURELY PKK80SAL, Flrat ward John ChrlsilaiiKa, Ur uni Mr . Harbai 611k, and His Ida base Cook and Martha E.(VkhBV3 Jemima Le welly n; Seeond ward J. W. Cbaeur, Make Heerttary, and tha presiTbe meetPrincipal Jos. A. Rsea was a visitor filed I salt against ths Gilson Asphal Thomas, Mrs. Agnes Lew; Tbtid ward dents of l.;j focal aocisii-turn company for 825,000 damages a 1 Peter J. Boysek, Mir Anna C. Rows; ing was in every way Light eurcaaafnl. lx Provo, Saturday. beau sustained have to by the Fourth ward Peter Nol on, Mire Caroleged GREAT VALUE George Hitchings Is oil duty at the death of thalr bos, lsaao M. Cc;k, WLllb line Nelleon. WEEKLY NEWS Fattens! Irrigation CosSrsis The meeting then adjourned. Shoe Factory this weak on sc- -- In ths employ of said company. Fui t'e above named event, to be held FOB Jostles Bachman, according to tho Count of sickness. OF THI WOULD at Albuquerque, N. M., on Sept. order ot the eonrt, reports that he refusThe Some Ppw. LITTLE MONET, IfIsa MayChlpman came horns Tues- ed to report the appeal of tbs saw of J. the Union Paclflo will make arateoi FOB A TRIFLB, Whan a local paper ie not good enough 832.06 for the round trip from Spanish day from Spanish 1 ork, after a success- D. Packard vs. George Taylor Jr. because ful visit at that place, American ths fees of ths lower court were not paid, to herald a town's advantages abroad, Fork. 8elling dates Sept. 13ib and 14:h; sad ths Jostles cites authorities for so there le something wrong with that tickets to earry transit limit of Mur Fork Item. days In each direction with final limit doing. town, eays the Portland Uregonlan. Tho of October 10th, 1896. Christensen and L. R. n F. William FLASHES, la to a great extant what the a twenty-pag- e have begun suit against Constable newspaper joufnsl, la the leading Republican family makes It, and by reason of community Seme Talent at tha Opart Sonia, B. of Waters Sevier 18 BarrvliU, NATI0:;AL FAU1LY Tbs sags hen Is now putting In time George and gives alTth7genaral new eoanty, for 8458, claiming that ha I 'leg Its representative capacity, the commun Tha drama, laTlie Hunchback of nf ths United States. It gives tha erents of foreign lands in a jumping sidewise to avoid LIng into ally, npon an execution from the jostles nntaball It ity Lee a measure of rescouribllity Frence". will be in tbs eonntrv presented at the Y. AGBiCULTU UAL1 d. jurtment has no charges of shut emptied Into ths air eourt of Burrvllls product, levied apon toward It, Ths who will not help REPOUTS" .eeogiiSsed people are d and took sway from tham 229 head of make a authority. U, Cop Opera bouse thla evening by by e lUurlaatle sportsmso, good paper for tbolr own town Circle." OchYotno Foies" and Sciincs and Mechanics." Its Hnirxir sheep. Ths execution wa against one mast not complain if they are bald la home talent, nwatad by Annie 80CIETE" eolnmna eommand the admiration of Bill at ths suit of Jacob Johnson, low esteem A number of drunks were unpleas- Joseph by the outside world. The Plunkett aud RIckHrd Foote. Tb cast , ,r. Kam&Mnfwmm ,5S "J" Singleton has commenced eult home paper, properly exported, not of diameters Is ui follow : Hager fJjjadinnalltaUh mi antly conspicuous la this city this sgaluat Aloert 81ngleton for divoiee. Imply by advertUlng patronage, but in bat rayed wife.. week. Where was the marshal, or has Shetllegai that they Intermarried at a hundred A SPECIAL 30STR ACT enables ns to offer ways of kindness and of Berr- Signora Pin (the this splendid Jonrnai sna-iProvo, Utah, on or abont ths 10:h dav of ies that coats nothing, Is at ways the int he no power to abate tho nuisance? Miss Clara June HERALD for ' have ever and sines possible medium for advenUlog lie Llxajlluiro'ii daughter). . Him Ella Snell Deocmber, 1886, been man and wile, Plaintiff farther locality because It will bs bright, newsy, Elena milil). Aunte Plunkett Sotos of out sltlzens celebrated stiff is that on the 7th day of April, 1895, tud lie read by Intending settli-r- and Dukedl(Lisas Gualeliara Jno. J. Hank Labor Day by irrigating ..Mam street. and on divers days sud times sIikc that capitalist as a truer Index to the town's Couut Nurdickoff Z.F. Romeril This accounts for ths large gitps In date, and tbs comuu tieement snlt, de- social aud business Ilfs than any other 8erto(Elena'BiorerL..HarryB.Hugh8 has fendant commuted the crime of W. Booth Father Iilian (a priest). printed matter could be. ths clouds of dust on that thororgh-fare- , Cash in XdYnnca. The editor always spends his Income Bcjmavaa (an officer)... M. J. Martell adultery with ona Mams Clark of Provo, Wednesday. loans Plaintiff says there are of thalr to Improve his paper. It seems that he Flu (a cntlne) 'hlliipo (Tha regular subscription for the two papers la L00) marriage two children now living and can't help It, When he ha a few dollars Hugo (the hunchback). .Richard Foots Prof. Foote, the tragedian, bss been she claims dsfandans is a strong able ahead he most get th paper a new dre SUBSCRIPTION'S MAY BEGIN AT ANT TIE. The people who make up the osat bod lad man, possessing good badness of type, or some all'bra-gilleye. cr a Hr Well kiiown by most Spanish Fork taking a., leading part In a comedy ability sud Is napablo of earning the mailing machine. If a few hundred H'oplff and dKserve to be grse'ed by a Address all orders to called The Taming uf tho Bike" this sum of 8125 par moitb. 9ho alleges ahead, he buys a i.ew press sod again 'ull houae, . weak. Tbs professor was quite sue that she Is In !ud!gut circumstances puts hie nose to the grindstone to get HERALD, Spanish Fork, Utah, and wholly dependent upon her labors onto. debt. When he thinks he sees ceiiful In that role. Bead the Ai. for her support and Ihs support of tier good times ahead he enlarge! Ms paper s . children. heritors she sake for 8150 and Increases bis py rol!; when mcnev Bead tbs ai. headed Free Course by Write your name and address on a postal aard, send it to Geo, W. EM Farm produots of thli season ire attorney's tea and 915 per month get scarce again he tries to keep a itlff Mall by the Capital City Commercial Room 2, Triban Bnlldlng, New York City, end sample copy of The New Yctc pDtomeaclng to mere, and Spunlib upper Up, taua wood and potatoes on college", Itiaafineiffar. Aiplyforlt Weekit TkiRCMt will be mailed youj be may prove resreft' whatever A D. P. Fxlt, Manager. ! Mauuracturtra - its ts ptiatsd-vertlssmen- Pait-eB- aaeoad-alaa- s Impl-men- Deseret Gold Mine 1 Milling Co,, te . J11 :a-o- u, arc I : I g mihing said I Wedu-als- CENTS PER SHARE V v gr-.- at OO 1 CrliT TOTT'VP A.IN nxtmsra- Mountain of Free MiliiTig Gold Ore, Water and Timber , ... CO-O- Ce-o- p's Go-o- p. average Per ChrtU. I- - " 11 DESKSBT KIKE MILLIKD CII.. . h-- r prs-eln- -' j Me-An- lsy mci-tlnwa- e x. Co-o- p: 16-2- 1, The N. Y. WEEKLY TRIBUNE Nel-se- PAI-E- SVt. Hr. CM . One year for s .- -C. e THE 5rily $2.5, |