Show Sill JOHN TENGS VIEWS Single Standard Member of Parliament Parlia-ment t uvois a Uonierence London Sept 2ln reply to an invitation invi-tation to join the paillamentary committee com-mittee for the purpose of furthering the pioposal tor an Intel national conference confer-ence having In view an agreement for tile adoption ot an International system ut cuiieiioy Sir John lung benlor member ot Parliament for thu city of uuiiuee writes as tolfows I fear that it i joined time committee It would be ubbuutcd mat 1 had become a blmetul Hit wlieieas i have never been uuie 10 bee how a double standard could work one of tile metals oeing practically immovable im-movable and the otliui a very movable quantity At tliu same time i am in lu vor ot an International conference upon up-on condition that the membuis be not delegated to represent fixed views but bent with free minds |