Show Why the Powers Divided Africa That the Monroe doctrine could be recognized III Europe Is strictly denied by the European pi ess We are not ic garded us a nation capable of aggressive aggres-sive politics und our reputation us warriors Is not suillclently great to excite ex-cite fear In other countries It is otherwise other-wise with our reputation In the peaceful peace-ful struggle for commercial and Industrial Indus-trial supiemncy Europe has discovered discov-ered that we nre no longer dependent upon her manufactures while our raw pioduee Is absolutely necessary to European Eu-ropean industries it Is the knowledge of these facts thinks the Vosslsche Xeltung Berlin which has caused the tltionlng of the Dark Continent The I nanel says Tho pat tltionlng of Africa Is a necessity ne-cessity Europe must have a market for her produce must be enabled to produce raw material upon soil belonging belong-ing to her and she needs new spheres Into which her children can be sent as colonists Hence the wish to extend their spheres of Influence which has pobsessed the great European nations foi the past llfteen years The Ulseov eiiis ot Livingstone bchwelnturtn Stanley Nachtlgal AVlssmun and many others gave the impetus and now even Kussia extends her hand to uiid Abyssinia although she is naturally natu-rally mom Interested in Asia To civilize civi-lize Africa is however a much more dllllcult task than the subjection and colonization of America partly on account ac-count of the climate partly because Africa is much more thickly settled The Ameiican colonies were very fa voiublo to settlers and well suited for the increase of the whites since with the exception of the Mexicans and Peruvians there were nothing but nomadic no-madic hunters devoid of all civilization civiliza-tion and unable to resist the whites Africa has the desert to defend her as well as the fever and her people partly I part-ly civilized by the Arabs can not easily easi-ly be subjected to the inlluence of Eu lopeun culture But the economical situation sit-uation forces Europe to retain Africa us her own The Mew World is doing its best to become emancipated from the Inlluence of our Industries and seeks to make us dependent by Its wheat and Its cotton We must have At i lea to produce both |