Show Origin of a ramon Iljrmn fit Is well known that tho hymn Hold the Fort was inspired by the story of the signals exchanged by Gens Sherman and Corse when the latter was besieged at Allatoona Ga but few know how the idea was brought to Mr Moodys mind The Boston Globe says that once when Gen and Mrs Corse lived in Chicago Mr Moody called While there ho took np a book that told the story of that famous conflict in whtch Corse I had been so badly wounded and see ing tho message from Gen Sherman Hold the fort for I am coming I exclaimed ex-claimed enthusiastically What a magnificent motto that would be for a marching song for the army of Christ I And the day after the famous hymn was written beginning with Hold the fort for I am coming Jesus sig nals still a hymn that has been sung in almost every hamlet on the con tinent and whose strains across 4he ocean have become familiar to tho cars of men who never heard of Gen Corse or beleaguered men at Allatoona |