Show THE DOOLEY FAMILY RlUNION It Run Well Till tho Saw Camo in Between Why arent you out attending the reunion of the Dooley family Mr Mc Ivcnna asked the philosopher Thlms no reia lions to me Mr Dooley answered Thlms faimer Doo leys No wan Iv our family Iver lived In Hi counthry We live in th city where they burn gas an have a polls ooice to get on to AVoro no funnel dlvvlc Hi bit We belong to the indus thrcul classes Thlm must he Hi Fer managh Dooleys a poor lot Jawn an always on good terms with th Ian lord bad cess to thlm says I Were frm Uoscommon They se a Dooley family III Wlxfoid 1111 wan neal Uallybone that belonged to Hi constubulaiy I met him but vvnnst Tvvas at an lyle tlon an though he didnt know me I Inthrajooccd inesllf be landln him back Iv th ear with a bouldher th size Iv ye er two lists together He didnt know me afthervvards nycther We nlver had but wan reunion Iv th Dooley family an that was tin yenta ago Me cousin Felixs boy Aloy slus him that afthervvards vvint to New York an got a good Job dhiivln a eailedge fr th captain Iv a polls station lie was full Iv poethiy an things an ho come aroun wan night an sayo lie IJ ye know ho says tvvud be th hlte Iv a good thing fr th Dooleys to havo a million he says We ought to corne together he says an show the people Iv this wuard he says how sthrong we are he says Yo might do It betthtr me buck says J shovelin slag at th1 mills 1 says But nunhow It ye ei mind II set un It MJ ahead I says all III attend to havln th polls there 1 says fr I have a dhrug at th station Well he slut out letlheis to nil th Koscoinmnii Uoolejs an on a Satuiduh night we come together in a rinted hall an hlld th icunlon Tvvas great ppoort fr awhile Some Iv us hadnt spoke filndly to each other fi tvvlnty veais an we set mound an tol I stories Iv lioscommon an Its green fields all th stirabout pot that was nlvcr lilted an th blue sky overhead an th boggy ground undherfoot Which Dools > jias It that hnmsthiung th cows Mike Dooleys Pat Naw such thing twas Put Dooleys MikeI mane Put Doo leys Mikes Pat fr tis with us as with th list Iv our people Ye take th Dutchman he has as manny names to give to his child her as they se nails in his boots but an Irishman has th pick Iv 1 ony a few I knowed a man be th pick Iv Clancy a man fim Klldatc He had fifteen chlldher an whin th las come he says Dooley dye happen to know nnny saints None iv thlm tin ados here says I Why says 1 Thoyse a new kid at th house he says nn1 be me troth Ive run out iv all th saints I knew an if somewan dont corne to me assistance Ill have to turn th child out on th wuriuld without with-out th rag Iv a name to his back he saysHut Hut I was tellln ye about th reunion re-union They was lushlns Iv dhrlnk an story tellln an Felixs boy Aloysius hlstcd a banner he had made with Dooley uboo painted o 1lt But afther th night got along some Iv us begun torn to-rn number that most Iv us hadnt been rinds fr long Mrs Morgan Dooley she that was Molly Dooley before she married Morgan she turns to me an says she Tis sthrange they let in that hogan woman she lIa stllUt Hogan woman Jawn belli th wife Iv her husbands brother She heerd her any It an she bays Id have ye to un dhcrstnnd that no wan Iver come out Iv lioscommon that cud hold up their heads with th Hogans1 she Bays Tis not fr th likes iv ye to slandher a famly thats iv th landed gtnthry Iv Ireland an fr two pins Id hit e a poke In th eye uhe says If ltjjaln t been fr me bein bechune thlm theyd have been throuble fr they was good rinds wanst What Is It th good book says about a woman scorned Faith Ive forgotten Thin me uncle Mike come in as rough a man as Iver laid hands on a pollsman Felix Dooley was makin a speech on th vartues Iv th famly HMi nrvrtloia anvu Vio Inn stntld be fure all Hi wurruld an no man can say ought agin ayether their honor or their Integrity says he Th man thats throwln that at ye says me uncle Mike stole a saw frm me In th year slvintyflve Felix paid no attention atten-tion to me uncle Mike but wlnt on We point proudly to th motto Dooley abooDooley Trlver Th saw aboo says me uncle Mike Th Dooleys says Felix stood beside Rid Hugh ONeill an whin he cut aft his hand He didnt cut if aft with anny wan Uses saw says me uncle Mike Theyse an old sayln wlnt on Felix An ol saw says me uncle Mike But twas new whin ye stole it Now look here says Aloysius This thing has gone for enough Tis an outrage that this here man shd come here fr to Insult th head Iv 1 th famly Th head Iv what fumly says Morgan Dooley Jumpln up ns hot us lire Im th head Iv th1 famly he says be right Iv hlsthry Yeer an ol cow says me uncle Mike Th back iv me hand an th sowl iv me fut to all Iv yez he says I quit ye he says Yeer all Hvln here undher assumed names an he wlnt out followed be Morgan Dooley with a chair in each handWell Well they wasnt two Dooleys In th halld speak whin th meetin broke up an th Lork knows but I dont to this day whos th head Iv th Dooley famly All I know Is that I had wan th nex morning Chicago Post i I |