Show Rio Grande Western R R Pullman gleaners and Duffel Can on hit Through Trains Tlmo Table No U In effect March 31 1695 frent Bound Stations East Bound Mlxrd I Pass Pass I Mixed e 3 E P P SE 600 pm Salt Lao 1If > > nm 525 pm 50pm Provn 8IWnm 3M 11m CISam e8Spm SprWvllle R23nni 340pm lin aln 842pmSpM > l hForUf < l7Bra 3 OPm OESam oMpm parson 8011 ftm 262pm BISam 805 pm Eireki 842 urn 1110 11m IDIIII am BSOpm Mammoth 032 am 1245 pm lilts nm B80pm Sliver City il5nm ISiSOpm F A IV ADUIDH Hen Inls ana Ticket Agent D DODGE Gee MarS Mar-S II BABCOCK Trnfflc Mgr Bill tV City E H Hum Agent Spanish Fork The Union Pacific System THE THROUGH CAR LINK LOCAL TIME CARD In effect Aug 181895 South Dound North hound Leave STATIONS Arrive 7l5nm Salt Lake City 435pm T41am Sandy 46pm 15am Lehl Junction 30pm I25am American Fork 3SOnm 132am PleasantQrove 313pm 855am Provo 25OtJm I 14am spanlih Fork 2S2nm 9s2 m paynn 2J7pm jo35 m Nepal 125olL il15am Arrive I Leave 12 < 5pm 11133am Leave Juab 1 Arrive 123Opm 106pm OaiU 925sm 7MOpm ArriVe l I Leave 1I3 bam 1SKS M II ford l Arrive 515am 750pm LeavD I Arrive 5 1 15am 40pm Frisco 400 m Trains south ofJuab run daily except Sunday Through Pullman Palace Sleepers to Chicago without change Improved Tour Sleepers Free reclining chair cars Elegantdav coaches The onlylire operating Dining car service TUB SHORTEST AND VASTEST LINE TO ALL POINTS CAST D E BURLEY Ben Agent Passenger Dept City Ticket Office 201 Main St Salt Lake City W E LAWSON Agent Spanish Fork S II H CLAltK OLIVKK W MINK K ELLERY ANDERSON JOHN W DOANE ERKDIUCK K CONDERT ei ems Ilcoolvcrs jr L LOWAX Den Pass and Ticket Agent E DICKINSON Gen r Mgr Omaha Nebraska Head the Ad Road the ad headed Free Course by Mail by tho Capital City Commercial college It li I n I fine titer Apply tor it 0 > W r VTILLrE JYI JEXi SONS H tafiW IJIULili Lumber Lath Doors sash etc I lYlalufaciurrCrm of the Best Broom on the Market All kinds of Produce handled in its Season Deseret Gold Mine I Milling Co OF saAdTIE II FOE r INCORPORATED UNDER TIle IAW8 OF UTAH Capital Stock 500000 With 500000 Shares are offering for sale 100000 Shttroa ot iETI3sr G N STOGE OF the said Company at 35 CENTS PER SHARE PAR VALUE 100 This Property is Locutetl anti Situated in the GOLD ZkCOTTKTp A TTT MINING DISTRICT ItIIA County Utah There is a Mountain of Free Milli g Gol Ore Water > > and Timoer ItAbundeuu s clays Hvernae 2500 Per Ton DIRECTORS BrJuImm D Dnrgcr Pres John ClirlttiniiBen V Pros and Trw I J Hownrt lllchflolil Utah I aII lark Ncjhl U1tlt henry K ° 0ljr Secretary For Rtrtlentan Address nElaaRET fiECIxB MIKE It AiILLINl1 nIP nI-P 071 Spanibli Fork Utah I k k I k iJl I 1 It 1i i TAKEN 1I 1 m m m i u I f m GREAT VALUE WEEKLY KEWS FOR OF THE WORLD LITTLE MONET FOB A TRIFLE The Na Y WEEKLY TRIBUNE i a twnntypst e journal Is tho lesdlir Republican family paper Uulted Statea It iu a NATIONAL FAMILY PAlER and flVe all Lhe nQrAI flew ot the United States It gives the events of foreign lands In a nutflbell lu AGUICnLTUaALdurtm > nt has no In superior the eonntrr Its MARK r REPORTS Rr efogilz < d authority Separata dfparlmmtH for rats FAMILY CIRCLE OURYOUNQ FOLKS and SCIENCK AND MECHANICS Its Hain J7I1 SOCIETY columns command the admiration of wlrra and daughters lu nnwnl p Itical news editorials and disouailons are oooipraheaslvo brilliant and ex llUStlTP k SPECIAL 30NTRAGT enables Ull to offer this splendid Joarhal f and tni HERALD for One year for only 225 Cash In Advance i The regular subscription for the two papers Is tioo < I SUBSCRIPTIONS SIAM BEGIN AT VKY Tit I Address all orders to THE HERALD Spanish Fork If tab I 1 i Wrlto your name and address one postal fl rdf send It to GPO W Bart i Room 2 Tribune Dnlldlnsr New York CUr and sample copy of THE Nsw Tors WUKLf fAIlWl I will ll1 tuaUed fOUl I > yl I b J 1 M |