Show There Were Two Macaulays Then it Is that sse become awuic that there were two Mucuulays Mucuuluy the artist with an exquisite gift for telling a story filling his pages with little vignettes It is impossible to foi get llxing these with un inimitable art upon the suitucc of a narrative that did not need thu otnument they gave it so strong and large und adequate was It ana Mucuuley the Whig subtly sub-tly turning narrative into aigument and making history the vindication of a party ihe mighty narrative Is a great engine of proof It Is not told for Us own sake 111s evidence summed up in order to Justify a judgment We detect the tone of the advocate and though If we are Just we must deem him honest we cannot deem him safe The great Btorytellei la discredited and willingly wu reject the guide who takes it upon himself to determine for us what we shall see That wu feel sure cannot bu true which makes of so complex a history so simple a thesis for the judgment there Is art hero but It is the art of special pleading mislead Jug even to the rea erOn the Wri ting of History by 1rof Woodrow Wilson September Century |