Show hattie of Waterloo On June 12 lbl > 5 Nupeleon left Paris for the seat of war On the 15th the French army crossed the river bumbiu and fell upon the enemy Then came Waterloo Waterloo that famous buttle where Napoleon first met the unconquerable English lace to lace where Wellington made his name Immortal that battle glittering in Its array billllant in its maneuvers terrible in its Intensity horrible In its loss of life that battle remurkable for little blunders that led to great results and for mugnilicent attempts that amounted to nothing that battle so nearly a defeat for Eng land so nearly a victory for France that to this day men cannot see just how It turned the other way and historians his-torians and military writers are even yet disputing as to the responslbllty nod discussing the operations It is not for us to describe or discuss It here Napoleon was beaten conquered con-quered it may be as the English say by Wellington conquered It may bus b-us the Germans claim by Ulucher conquered It may be as declares Victor Hugo the Frenchman by thu will of heavenA Boy of the First Empire by Elbrldge S Brooks In September St Nicholas |