Show I Democratic Primary i The Democratic primary for this precinct pre-cinct was called to order by President Chisholm at the pavllllon Saturday night Secretary Hayes then rendtbe various calls issued and the assembly got down to tho business tlf selecting ten delegates to the Ogden convention The delegation chosen wa BB follows Meesrf John Jon ° s John Moore J H Mustard Neplil Hanfon W 0 Crcer W W Chlsholm and Peter Nollson Mrs Hutchison Misses Clara nod Louisa Jones On motion five alternates three gen tlomen and two ladles were chosen us follows Mifers Wm Croer Joe Finch aid Wylie Thomas Mctidimes Hauunu Hughes and Agnes Lewis A motion to Instruct the delegates to express certain preferences in case the question of njininallng United States senators cams up in the convention brought on a lengthy and very animated discussion between a number of gentlemen gentle-men prominent In local politics some advocating that move and others opposing oppos-ing it The motion to instruct prevailed and the delegates were directed to fivor Joe L Rawiinn and Moses Thatcher for the United States Senate They were I also instructed to back King for the I congressional nomination rlth Roberts as second choice Chairman Moore of the enrolling committee I com-mittee stated that that committee hid found the Democrats so numerous as to try Its ability to enroll them nil he therefore moved that eight more ladles and gentlemen be appointed to assist in iha cork A nnnt t trnta roam initrla nv pu u v Rccordlngly us Cnllowr First ward John Carlstlaiifrn Hn Jemima Lewellyu Second wRrdJ W Thomas Mrs Agnes Lewis Third ward Peter J Bovack MIH Anna C Howe Fourth wardPeter Nol on Mlrs Oaro llnfl Nelleon The meeting then adjourned |