Show An Interesting Medal Jn Paris M Moissan hns recently succeeded in preparing fairly huge masses of pure molybdenum says the Lnglneerlng and Mining Journal August Au-gust 10th The metul thus obtained line a specific gravity of J and Is only fused with allllcultv The puie metal is quite as soft und as malleable us wrought iron und can be easily forged at u red heat It can be PreServed without oxidation under watei fur several sev-eral days ihe most lemuikublc juop ei ty of the metal Is howevei the filet that It can bo cemented like wrought lion forming a steel if the teim miy be used which can be tempered simi larly to oidlnuiy steel Moreover caSt molybdenum containing several percent per-cent of carbon can be softened by placing pla-cing it In a mass of oxid of the metal just as in the ordinary process of malting ma-lting malleable castings liming a very gieat ulllnlty for oxygen M Alolsban suggests that It may be usefully added to the iron in a converter leplaclng manganeze or aluminum As the oxid of the metal Is volatile It does not remain re-main in the converter |