Show CHEYENNE DOG CASe City Cannot Slaughter the Unlicensed Unli-censed Canines Cheyenne Wyo Sept 3In the La amlc county district court today a decision de-cision was rendered against the city of Cheyenne In a dog case that has exited ex-ited much Interest hero for the past three months The court decided that under the Wyoming Constitution pro perty could not be taken without duo process of law that a dog under the Vyomlng laws Is property and that the ordinance authorizing the summary estructlon of dogs was a taking of property without due process of law and therefore void Under this decision the city authorities authori-ties cannot destroy a dog without no Ice to the owner It Is also probable that the city Is liable under the decision for amounts paid for license to keep dogs this year and also for damages tot dogs that have been destroyed under un-der the city ordinance |