Show NEIiHBORHOOU HOTD3 Mr Gsorito Wrldo of Payton mud Miss Margaret 10 PnvelKon of Oiiaiiii were married In time Temple at Snit Laho WedUHltiy They WITH Rlrcn n 1 grnml rectptlrn at the haute of tho brides parents on Friday evening The business mens baseball team of this city wont to Castilla Saturday at the request of the management of the report intending to piny n team from Scofleld When they arrived it was learned that RrrancreuieutH hart been inmate for a Spanish Fork twin to piny the Sciflnld orc Iud Sprlngvlllo wasnt in It 1 Some ot our boys wore so hot that hd they hp era touched with H Wet Qngnr they would luvn slzzirt and doelmed thai they wont go there any moreSpllng vlllo Independent Three young Indies ot Sibm and Miss Gerilo Smith of Eureka J were tut bujg riding last Sundry prqniug and ltd with quite an unforiunato iicclleut Whlla uilvlue along a short dlaimicu this RiiU of Spanish Fork the buggy nun accidentally upset and the four young odl33 wero thrown to tte ground tilt bogey fHlllpj on top ot them Mis 3uiltl fell linden eilh arid was sfvci1 Injured Tho extent of her injuries were not known until she wag brought to this city nurt examined by Dr Fuot who retina that nr shoulder was dislocated dis-located iud the arm broken just below the elbow The other girls escaped without any serious injury = PnyFOu Globe |