Show LOCAL BREVITIES Duck shouting may legally com riicnce on October 1st A phonograph man was exhibiting I his machine In town Tuesday Span I811 Forks delegation travelled I to Ogden via the Union PaclOc 1 y A total tclipse of the moon took pluco on Tuesday evening li was I nlniQRt exactly like that which occured xm the evening of May 11 iI The Ladles Democratic club went to Salom Wednesday cvinlnk and us elsted the Democitlo ladles of that precinct to hold u mofcting A meeting held In the piviHlnn Sunday livening was attended by a very large congregation and visitors were I present from all toe udkruborlnn I towns Labor tiny was generally observed In this city by tho closing of mest of the Udlne5s houses A number of Span len Fork people attended the mlla uer ndc ball at Ouatlllu in the evening On last Saturday mornluK a haystack hay-stack at the pluco of Daniel Jhappell In the Third ward was accidentally let on flro liy one of the litlle folks and bcforo It could bn extinguished a cuu le of bus if hay were destroyed by fire aud water i Uacls iron have charge of thc work building f u don leI ancr for tho Corn anH < Uted Implement Co It is a thor ought tub Untlal Btrutture und well adapted for the reception and tordge of the various cereals now taken in trade by that company |