Show MUST WAIT FIVE YEARS Senator Allen Thinks Silver Will be Romonoticed in 1000 Butte Mont Sept 2Senator Wll lIam V Allen of Nebraska delivered the Labor day oration In Butte today to about 3000 people On the silver question ques-tion the senntcr said I am Inclined to believe that the remonetization of silver cannot occur before the campaign of 1900 The people of the East are i taught to believe that the tariff question ques-tion Is the greatest Issue and that the WHson bill Is sponsor for the Industrial d depression and flnanacial Ills and I think It Is going to take another lIe publlcan l Administration to teach them that this argument Is false If the silver sentiment of the United States could be united for one man I Chink a freesilver President could be elected but It Is very doubtful If anything any-thing of that kind will occur I shall not be surprised to see four or five Presidential tickets In the field next year I think that the disposition to put a strictly silver party In the Held Is confined to the mining States And I am very doubtful of the wisdom of I this movement Those who are urging It are making a great mistake There ale many silver men who believe that the Populist party Is simply a temporary tempo-rary growth and that It will soon disappear dis-appear with slightly changed conditions condi-tions Therefore there are many who urge the organization of a straight silver sil-ver party but they are making a great mistake In my Judgment The Populist Is as well founded and for Its numbers as well organized and as determined as any other political politi-cal party and It has come to stay We will not he absorbed by any other political poli-tical party and we e pect to open outdoors out-doors sulllclently wi Ie < to admit all honest men who want to see a reform In our government There Is no doubt that there will be an overhauling of the Omaha platform to some extent bill Its cardinal principles will be main tallied I think that the socalled sul treasury scheme will be eliminated at least I hope and I look for some revision revi-sion In the minor details Senator Allen said he expected Populist Popu-list principles to win In 1900 but he could not say under what party name they would win |