Show I Editorial Department A 0 WINS Editor r VIOTOR NAPOLEOfy Btov Be ifLa Ilao4 a t the n4 of a k r rty Oppoilnr UU Father f Prince Victor Jerome Frederic Nv pcleon was born July 18 1803 and lathe la-the elder son of Prince Napoleon and of the Princess Clotildo lie was educated At the Lyeee Charlemagne in Paris and after having dono a twelve months volunteer vol-unteer service in the Thirtyseventh regiment at Orleans fcturncd to the paternal residence only to quarrel with bin father nUll to head a Bona partitt t party of his own The secession took place after the death of the prince imperial 1870 when Prince Napoleon took the position of head of the house of Bonaparte The claim was disputed by M Paul do Cassngnaa and several other imperialists who put forward the young Prince Victor as his fathers rival It was understood the time that Victor Vic-tor was nominated in the princo imperials I im-perials will as his successor When the zpulsion bill of 1880 became a law Prince Victor took up lila residence it I l PPfiIP I rmfOE vicroii NAPOLEOJT Brussels whence ho occasionally issue manifestos At Prince Napoleons death in 1801 ho left his entire fortune to his second son Prince Louis but at A family council held at Moncallcri in April Prince Louis declared that he would not accept the financial arrangements arrange-ments made by his fathers will in his avor und to the dptrimcnt of his brother and sister the duchess of 4 osta and formally acknowlcdcgcd Prince Victor as head of tho house of Bonaparte What number would Prince Victor put after his name of Napoleon in tIle remote contingency of his ascending the throne The great majority Incline to the opinion that he could call hrasel Napoleon VI the prince imperial and hiS father being the fourth and fifth but it is also argued that his proper title would bo Napoleon VIII for the following reasons The grcat Napoleon and his eon the king of Rome were first And second but when the last cm paror took the third place ho overlooked the fact that his uncle and his own father fa-ther Louis king of holland had ro BDOcUvclr hold tho positions olihcads of the Bonanarto fnmllv so the emnernr I was really Napoleon V This was the risvr taken by Princo Mettcrnlch who contended that if the emperor had been courts tent ho would have assumed this title as a matter of fact However Prince Mcttcrnich contended that in accepting ac-cepting the presidency of the republic In 1818 Napoleon virtually admitted that his dynastic claims were worthless The prince therefore argued that instead of reviving the old empire in 1652 Napo loon founded a new one Some time be foro Napoleon had issued his first proc lamation and there were three notes of xclamation after his name which the people mistook for Roman figures Vive Napoleon TroislI I they began to cry and the affair was regarded as being of such happy omen that the hint was taken and the emperor called himself the third Napoleon But generally gen-erally speaking history in England for instance pays no attention to pro tenders or claimants who have not actually occuoied tho throne Did You Iliad m The Capital City Commercial collogo HAS a card lu tbi paiiei ulTcriiig irmiuu uun lieu to u uuuibor of parnjus Diu IOU nad it |