Show PAUL JONES FLAG One of tho Most Interesting Ilcllca In the United Htntes Tho flag of Paul Jones which floated over the Bonhommo Richard in her historic fight with the British frigate Scrapis off tim English coast Septem ber 3 1770 was hoisted at noon April 25 on a pole one hundred and thirty five feet long planted on the highlands of Navusink N J It was saluted with twentyone guns by the monitor Mian tonomah as the old flag was run uI > by the enthusiastic people on shore Tho t < II 1 PAUL JONES FLAG flag Is the property of Mrs S B Staf ford of Cottage City Mass who parted part-ed with it temporarily to allow its use on the arrival of the fleet of American I and foreign ships at Sandy Hook Tho flag was designed from Wash ingtons coatofarms and made under the direction of ono John Brown by the Misses Mary und Sarah Austin in 1777 In Philadelphia The fivepointed star was used by direction of Gen Washington The flag was first carried by dipt Jones on a small vessel on the Schuylldll river In the engagement between the Bonhommo Richard and the Serapls tho mast from which was down the flag was shot away carrying Old Glory with it Lieut James B Stafford father of the present owner of the flag plunged overboard bccurcu the flag and nailed it to another mast Tito nailholes are plainly shown In the ilng today |