Show SITUATION IN THE STATES Outlook for Silver Is Not Discouraging Only Maryland and New York a Against Freo Coinage Senator Pugh Says the Administration Forces Cannot Suppress the Grow lag Sentiment Senator Allens1 i Speech at Butte Washington Sept 2 1895 Senator Pugh of Alabama returned to I Vashlngton tonight from a months visit North Mr Pugh Is hopeful for silver and Insists that all the forces of the Administration cannot suppress the lowing sentiment He believes wli other friends of silver in the Den t j Ic party that the outlook Is i tloj ouraglng With the exception York all the States to hold eiFACTOIVi his fall have been heard from ana tho lone l-one Maryland has declared agalnHll free coinage at 16 to 1 The Democracy In the others has simply affirmed the 1 financial plank of the CL cago platform or 1SU2 New York Is expected to follow Mary and but this will not disturb the ilends of silver for as they hold Its It-s already manifest that the whole proposition will be presented to the ext Democratic National convention fur settlement In practically the same form In which It was presented to the labt National convention The Eastern Democracy will again oppose free coinage coin-age and the Southern and Western De locracy will again demand It The only on-ly material change looked fur Is that ne money question and not the turllt uestion will be the principal suoject ur discussion III Kentucky they say the silver question has been practically dropped xccpt by Mr Blackburn until utter he campaign In Ohio tHe campaign Is being made on State Issues Lime nine Is the case in Maryland and in New York the Issues 13 on the excise laws This composes the summary of the situation as the tree coinage Demo lats view It There are < < otner States un the list but fduVjfStates mentioned men-tioned are ImportantStates All four cont ln pre ldenUal timber ornament orna-ment d with presidential llghtnlng rods Keutucky the home of Jiliv Carlisle OhlosofMr Brlce ahds5llr Campbell Maryland of Mr Gorman and New York of Mr Hill and Mr Vhltney aridjeUj gfliOsfclbWtJJpniAi mtB ofrtend tiio TCsuIt In none Of them In November will have a pronounced pro-nounced bearing one way or the other on the silver question That will still remain to be fought out on the floor of he next convention of the party |