Show ATTERSONS STATEMENT t Democrats Thought They Were Indorsing 1j In-dorsing Real Blmetallsm Nsv York Sept 2Colonel Charles Hones of Missouri who was chairman chair-man ot the committee on resolutions andfalso of the subcommittee that foraed the Democratic National platt plat-t of 1S92 makes a statement to tile Woijd over his signature regardIng the WUILd told by Mr Patterson of Colorado ofitfae history of tho financial plank He7 vrltes Ztr Pattersons Mutement of the can let In the committeeroom Is substantially sub-stantially correct The money plank at firsw submitted was a straightout bimetallic bi-metallic plank declaring for the free coinage of sliver and gold on equal terms it was discussed seven hours and epeatedly amended and recast RUterson and Senator Daniel of Virginia led the contest for the laser tloniof the words free coinage of silver sil-ver Senators Vilas and McPherson i led tie fight against the use of those wordsbut not on the ground that they wertfopppsed to the use of silver They declared over and over again that they wE1r Just as good blmetollsts and just asffrlendly to silver as Patterson and Danfel They said their objection to tho vords free coinage was simply that they had a special moaning In some parts of the country that would bumisleading Atkins of s1pnessee lllJtr tl1e c4 JvmJgflPudedn 1tl Pt ed after being modified Patterson and Daniel fought It to the end and voted against It when It was put to a vote I recall the fact that In the fight In the final discussion Senator Vilas read the plank as it now stands to Patterson Patter-son dwelling with strong emphasis on the first clause and asked Patterson how it I differed essentially from his demand de-mand for free coinage Every member of the subcommittee claimed to be in favor of genuine blmetallsm If Vitae or McPherson or Bayard had admitted that the resolution could be Interpreted to mean gold monometallsm it could not have passed the subcommittee or the general committee or the convention conven-tion All three of these bodies supposed real bimetalism was being indorsed when the resolution was adopted |