Show DISTRICT COURT AgFAIBS Della Vance has filed a snit for divorce in the First District court against Francis Vance on the ground nt cruel and inhuman treatment and failure to provide JlI Srertoll wants n divorce from his wife N R Kversoll on the ground or desertion The defendant in now a resident i resi-dent of Iowa and plaintiff a resident of Utah county 88 Jones bus filed a snIt with Clerk Ilamcamp of tho First Difltrlot court against ThosJ Scofleld for 0i f together I with Interest aud costs of court alleged to b9 due on a promissory not for property prop-erty purchased from Mr Jones Isaac Cook nnd Martha E Ciok have filed a 1 suit against the Gilson Aspbal turn company for 25000 damages d I leged to bare been sustained hy the death of their eon Isaac M Ccuk wU i in tbo employ of said company Justice Bachman according to the order ot the court reports that he refused refus-ed to report the appeal ot the case of J D Packard vs George Taylor Jr because the fees of the lower court wore not paid aud the Justice cites authorities for so doing William L Christensen and ItF Nel sen have begun suit against Constable George D Winters of Burrvlll Sovlnr county for 458 claiming that tie Illegally Illeg-ally upon au execution from Urn justice court ot Burrvllle precinct levied upon and took away from them 22J head ot iboep The execution wa > > against one Joseph Ulll at the suit ot Jacob Johnson Hagar Singleton has commenced suit agnluHt Albert Singleton for dlvoico She alleges that they intermarried at Provo Utah on or about tha 10h day ot December 1880 and hnvo over Mince boon man cud wile Pltintlff further alleges tbat on the 7th day of April 1605 and on dlvera days surf times BIKU that date and the comuitticeilieut suit du fondant hoe committed the crime of adultery with one Mamo Clark of Provo Plaintiff says there are issue at their marriage two children now living and she claims lefundant Is a strong able bodied man possessing good business ability and is nupublo ot earning the sum of 8125 par month She alleges tbat she Id in ludlgxut circumstances and wholly dependent upon her labor for henupport und the support of her children nhervfore she asks for fl50 attorneys I foe and g35 per montU all aony w sp irU to y n r > |