Show l I THE WEATHER SERVIOE An Indiana Editors Popular nnd IraoUonl Invention Forecasting the weather from meteorological me-teorological observations the original conception of Gen Hazcn fj S A has grown to be a very practical system oJ great importance < < and value especially to agriculturists and produce dealers Of recent years the utility of this system has been greatly broadened and increased by the adoption of a code of steam whistle signals for tho more general dissemination of the weather I JOHN AULD ronsnnE forecasts the invention of John Auld Pornvthc n practical meteorologist and the observer for the weather bureau at I Seymour Ind I Born near Kancsvllle 0 in 1834 he received a liberal education Ills early years were devoted to teaching and literature His military service beganl with the march of tho army of Invaslo to Utah in 1857 Later ho saw service with the union arms during the insurrection Insur-rection At tho close of the war ho entered en-tered journalism and for twelve years ho has been the managing editor of the Seymour Democrat As a political polit-ical writer ho has gained national celebrity by his foul arraignment of the abuses which haTe crept into th pension system |