Show ILl Kobert ld anti Ueorge the Fourth The king was accustomed to comment upon the dress of Sir Robert Peel whose clothes never fitted him Sid ney Smith accordingly represented the minister when on a visit to the Bright on Pavilion as being called out of his bed in he middle of the night to attend to his majesty in what the king sup posed to be his last moments his dinner din-ner having disagreed with him in an alarming manner Peel was much af fected and the king after a few short words which he could scarcely utter saidGo Go my dear Peel God bless you I shall never see you again 1 And as Peel turned to leave the room he added faint ly Who made that dressinggown my dear Peel It sets very badly behind God bless you my dear fellowl Never employ that tailor again Yankee Blade |