Show FLASHES The laps hen is now putting In time jumping siduwlse to avoid flying Into Charges of shot emptied into the air by eolhurlaittlcsvortamen t A number of drunks were uupln antly con plcuous In this city this week Where was the marshal or has tie no power to abate the nuisance a s Some of out citizens celebrated Labor Day by irrigating Mam streH This accounts for tile qariC gaps In the clouds of dust on that thororgli fare Wednesday r Prof Foote the tragedian bas been taking a l ading part In a comedy called The Taming uf this Bike this week The proftisor was quite IUC ccssful lu that role Farm produots of thlv season era pDwmeaclnp to mnyo I und SpimlfU r J L Fork Is gain to make a record among I 4 i tho best of cm when It comes to quantity und quality shipped 45 A number of Sprlnzvllle blood were I jpecdliiif their fast horses on Spanish Forks avenues last Sundiir evening 1 i Thy probably enjoyed the dust 11 mush ns the regular dunlzcna of these regions The HEIIALD man started out this week with tho Intention of writing up nil the business homes of Spanish Fork Ito soon dlsconored that It was too largo a Job for one week BO now goes at It on the Instalment plan like you buy encyclopedias und expects to complete It In four or live week 4545 A literary chirp In this city who conceals his identity under the nom de plume of B Indulges comments un Spanish Furk people nnd happen lignin < last Saturdays Ktiquirnr In away a-way thaI w mid gn h Spanlsn For newspaperman mobbd I sill In tHe WilY were raised no doubt But can It tliulDniil the Enquirer hate special privilege f Our reporter made n pedestrian lour of the County road between ihs ilty and Springvllle Monday forenoon He expected to get an invitation to ride from some fellow traveller but the travellers wore all headed towaid Spanish Fork Walking was no new thing so ho trudged alonu cheered by the ride in anticipation IIi wnuW havo when returning He Will destined des-tined to complete the trip by hand however as the travellers were then returning and Judging from thesmlles on their facts their intorvifwa with Spanish Fork business men wore pleasant to say the least |