Show Homo Talent at the Opera Hones Till drama The Hunchback of Forencu will bo presented at the Y M OiOp Opera house this evening by home talent assisted by Aunlo Pluntott Iud Rlckiird note Till cast cf chaiactcw IP us foiuw Siguurn Bianca I flu I the betrayed wife Miss Clara Jones L1saIluaos daughter Miss Ell 1 tin ell Elena Lisas mild Aunlo Plunkptt Duo dl CIIRtellaraJno J Banks Count NurdwkoffZ1 Romerll BertoEIenuslov Barr lJlIulI hIs Fattier Illlana priest0 W Bootll Bejmava8an olllccr M J 51urtell riillilpoii Florentine JItiiotheliunchbunV Hluhnrd Foote Tile people viho make up the oust urn veil known by most SpanUh Fork pioolj I and deserve to us ttr ottd by a full IIUlllI |