Show = = The Louis routleenth of Indin In order to arrlvo at a fair understanding under-standing of What was accomplished 111 decorative niclUteciuie durum thu leign of ahuii Julian onu muat take into In-to consideration tliu otnei monuments of Agru having begun with the luj Mahal and thu palace ine Moti I JluBjld or learl Mosque which Is I ccmngly lestful from Its appearance ut extiemo simplicity uitfully eoneeuls beneath this exterior a tIcUt deal of studied pioportlou and elaborate detail The broad coot t when ono enters It on a bright day has the blinding dazzle of a snowHeld for nothing meets the tIO but marble and thu deep blue sky Nothing could exeeeu the delicacy ut color and nubile giadutlons 01 tint when the eye penetiates noin the outer irlniu into lilt depths of snuuow belund tile arches But us In tile luj tneiu Is no duikness In this shuuow und tne u taIls ot tile Innermost Willi me cleiu Iy visible 110111 across the couns A uhort aistanco noin thu foi ness rae the lliiee gieat domes or the jummu mus jiU or onlur mosque ol Agiu ueeuiuteil with zigzag bunds ot white and led stone this also Is of bhuh Jenans lelgn V hen we pass on to JJeliil Ills chief capital WO tile confronted by another an-other aeries of imposing buildings the great lortrcss aim the remiilns ol tne pulaces within the Inclosuie tile great inusaue the largest und most stately hue as a whole among Mohammedan lellglous edlllces And further on at Lahoic we llnd still another capital and another series of palaces and mosques mos-ques in the hill font ess of Uwiillur inele Is yet another palace of Shah Jeliun but a small one only u10 tout In length perched us usual an the veiy verge of an embattled steep Muny otner pleasurehoused might be added to the list for this monarch neeins to hau taKen pleasuic In distributing distri-buting himself over a vast extent of tunltory An approximate idea of the prodigious number of artistic monuments monu-ments tor which Northern India is indebted in-debted to his splendid extiuvagance may be gained by supposing that Louis XIV for Instance after constiucting Versailles and its dependencies had built the Louvre Luxembourg and other edlllces ot Paris the work of dif event architectural epochs had then built himself another capital at London Lon-don with citadels palaces cathedrals und still another at Brussels and linked link-ed them all together by a chain of smaller palaces and occasional retreats Had not death interuptcd his ambition ho would have built a pendant to the Taj across tho Jummu und thrown a marble brldgu over the river between them From Notes on Indian Ait by Edwin Lord Weeks in lluipcrs Magazine Maga-zine for September |